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Giovanni Gale

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When we were going to Denver for a John Mayer concert in March, we got hit with a blizzard. (He was so excited. <_< ) I did a 180 on the highway. It was horrible. We actually got stranded in Denver. There wasn't a single highway out of Denver open. I missed work the next day.

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Awwww. :( Us poor little car owners. At least YOU'RE all right though! Driving in the snow can be horrifying.

I was in an accident the first day of college and I'm really surprised that my tiny car took it so well. Especially since I was at a standstill and was hit by a car going at least 50. Actually, I'm surprised that my neck took it that well! I got X-rays but everything was fine. (The girl who hit me was okay too, but her car was TOAST.)

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Denver?! In the snow?! Going to a JOHN MAYER concert?! I am soo sorry! If you had gone, you could have got me an autograph! I mean...that must have been terrible!

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On New Years Eve in 07, I was rear-ended. If I hadn't just bought a small SUV (With the spare tire on the back door) my mom and I would have been badly hurt, and there wouldn't have been much left of the car. As it was, he did nearly 7k damage to my car. (He had a small, but old... solid... truck)


2 months earlier, I was driving a Honda Civic.

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Denver?! In the snow?! Going to a JOHN MAYER concert?! I am soo sorry! If you had gone, you could have got me an autograph! I mean...that must have been terrible!



Lulz. xDDD



I'm really sorry you missed your concert though. :(

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Nope. He nearly totaled it, but it was okay. But 7k was way more than half of what I paid for it.


I wanted to beat the guy. It was my dream car. I was so hysterical that night. It was -5 degrees, I was shaking and just sobbing. :laughingsmiley: He couldn't apologize enough.


Oh and Divya and Ryan... we made it to the concert. It went from nothing here, to slushy snow at the concert. When we got out, all highways were closed.

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Heh, I hope we aren't scaring away prospective drivers with horror stories! I was deathly afraid to drive before I got my license since a few people that I went to high school with died in a crash.

But it's all good and dandy as long as you drive with caution. Man, I sound like someone's mother.

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I learned to drive in a HUGE car. (We called it "The Boat") It was a Delta 88 Oldsmobile. Then my first car was an old Toyota Camry. Then a Honda Civic. And now a Toyota Rav4. I feel much safer in my Rav4.

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Maybe I'm really strange, but I absolutely love driving in the snow. I don't think it's scary, and I've driven in some pretty big storms. Ice isn't really a problem where I live; we usually only have one day every winter when it's icy enough to be scary. They rest of the days, the snow is just packed down on the roads or the roads are scraped clean. The only thing I don't like about winter driving is having to clean my car off.

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Personally, my favorite driving conditions are rain. But snow here, and ice, is dangerous. We don't have many native Colorado people anymore. Our biggest portion of people that move in, come from Texas and Cali. Those are not the best states for getting used to driving in snow. :laughingsmiley: So you have to drive for yourself, and everyone else too.

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Sun is good if: 1. There AC, 2: There's a breeze so you can open the windows.


Oh, and you have sunglasses. Those are a must.



Andddddd....good looking hair that can blow around from that breeze from the open window! Thats a must also! :laughingsmiley:

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Andddddd....good looking hair that can blow around from that breeze from the open window! Thats a must also! :laughingsmiley:


Nooooo. My hair is just the right length that it's always getting in my face, since he likes to have his window down. (All the time. No matter how cold it is, if it's raining/snowing.)

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Nooooo. My hair is just the right length that it's always getting in my face, since he likes to have his window down. (All the time. No matter how cold it is, if it's raining/snowing.)



:laughingsmiley: My hair is long and shiny, so it looks great in a ponytail that swishes around. :D

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I love driving really late at night. I live right off of a major highway (in NJ none the less) with a lot of nightclubs and erm, some seedy clubs down the street. But on weekends, around midnight there's no one on the road and it's quite lovely.

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Learn to read Tyler! -Slap- She said they got lost AFTER the concert. And, erm, I did not think it was before as well before she said it was after... :shiftyeyes_anim:


And Tyler, when we're both 16 i'm so gonna come find you and we'll drive a car together and see how many tickets we can get within 5 minutes. xD You do the actual driving and i'll take the map and yell at you alot! :P

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K, let's do that. Let's get some sticky notes and put them all around each of our rooms so we won't forget to log onto TDN everyday. You want pink, light green, blue, or yellow? -Holds up pads of sticky notes-

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I learned to drive in a HUGE car. (We called it "The Boat") It was a Delta 88 Oldsmobile. Then my first car was an old Toyota Camry. Then a Honda Civic. And now a Toyota Rav4. I feel much safer in my Rav4.

tehee, oldsmobile. My friend has one, its a classic but very amusing and grandma ish, but hey at least its a car. Also I hate driving and make everyone else do it whenever possible.

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