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Hang Out and Post

Giovanni Gale

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yeah...I really don't like the whole Customization thing. (no offense to anyone who does)...I just don't like the whole NC thing and then the Conversion. *shudders*

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Well...not that many users have Premium, I don't think. It seems pretty cool, and I've considered getting it, and then...I decide it's not worth it. :laughingsmiley:


Eep. 400 posts! yay me!

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I knows!!! I'm really excited. I just have to think of what I want now. And my sister ran off with the camera that we took pictures with yesterday...so that's a bit frustrating too. :laughingsmiley:

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it's all about the profit. Especially with Viacom...*shrugs*


That's why I don't use NC.


And congrats on SM. I remember when I got it 2 months ago. I got it in 2 1/2 months. My next goal is to reach FM by the end of the summer. And my biggest goal is to be the first person to reach 10,000 posts!

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