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Giovanni Gale

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Yeah. The Garage Sale is usually pretty good. The best thing I've gotten is a codestone for 100np...but that's about it. Then again...whatever I buy usually goes straight into my SDB, and is now lost in it's depths. /fail.

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A lot of the stuff, I got years ago. I'm the same way with lab pets. My first was a Shoyru. As soon as it became Ice, I quit. Started with a Ruki, once it was Shadow, I stopped. I've kept zapping my current even though it's been Maraquan, Checkered, Darigan, and now Faerie, because it's a Korbat.

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I'd love it if she zapped back into a Kau, but with how rare species changes are, plus all the possibilities, it's not likely. I'd be happy if she just went back to something I really liked.

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yeah....the lab's randomness can get annoying. But then again, I've gotten some pretty good zaps out of it myself. My favorite was when my aisha zapped alien. :wub_anim:

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I like the Grey pets, but only a few. I don't like the ones that have the red eyes. They go beyond being sad, they look flat out depressed, with bloodshot eyes. I like the ones that just look sad.

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