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It's so unfortunate how massively items deflate when they're given out for free in site events... <_<


Yeah I know... it's frustrating. Except with the Symol... because I want to buy if I don't receive it as a prize.


I will buy one and save it for a couple of years and then sell it for MILLIONS of np! HAHAHA! Ok, maybe not millions but.... :laughingsmiley:


Awww. Thank you sooo much Domino. :) I'll have to get it either on a pet, or in my petpet gallery tomorrow when I get into work.


Awwww...He gave you a Pink Symol? :wub_anim: That is sooo sweet! :wub_anim: Now, if only I can find someone who will give me a Faerie PB...Domino??


I'd love to get a rainbow paintbrush... and a halloween paintbrush...




Hahaha!!! Me too! I will only be satisfied when I have had at least one of each, or having a pet zapped a certain color counts as a pb. As do morphing potions and trans potions.


I have my own wishlist on one of my pet [ages. You wouldn't beleive how many AC souveniers I don't have yet...


And also, if only you guys knew how many investments I have in my SDB. xD


I now have a Faerie pet, thanks to the lab ray.


It's a Korbat. <_<




You are getting all of the good chagnes on your Korbat! I am sooo sorry! Are you going to keep zapping it?


I know... with the Korbat, I've gotten Maraquan, Checkered, Darigan, and now Faerie. Yeah, I'm going to keep zapping. I don't like Korbats, and the Faerie one isn't even cute in my opinion.


SS: lol tht sounds like a pretty cool color :laughingsmiley:


Spritzie: right know i either want a draik, a halloween lupe, or a magma pteri :)


I'd love to get a Draik. Or at this point, I'll take anything but a Korbat. (Watch me get something else I dislike just as much next.) :laughingsmiley:


You know, there are sooo many pets that I would like! Anything Faerie, Baby, Mara, etc except for pets like korbat and buzz and grarl. Yuck!


lol that's the kind of stuff that would happen to me like I really don't like moehogs, watch my lupe (once I get the lab map) change into one lol


Hahaha! Good luck getting the ray! It is suchhhhh a good investment so I recommend it to ALL users.


My now, Korbat, was originally a Kau. (Named Kautiousness) And now she's a Korbat. I am not amused. I want my Kau back. And I want her Faerie. lol


You have TONS of np Spritzie. Why not just morph her and then paint her Faerie?


As of right now, I'm 55k away from 3 million. On my main account, I've created a new Kau (Named Kautioned). I'm going to save up more, and paint her something. I don't know what yet. But I've given up on the other one that used to be a Kau. I just want to get rid of the Korbat.


And Faerie PB are selling for almost 5 million right now. So that's more than I have.


3 mil! Nice! I am about 100k away from 1 mil. It will probably take me a week to get there. :laughingsmiley:

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