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Giovanni Gale

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We have a candy store in one of the malls here, that does snow cones.


Hawaii??? I'm jealous. I'd love to go there someday. My cousin went there for a volleyball tournament. She almost got a scholarship there.

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You guys think Hawaiin snowcones are the best?! That is not true!!!! The best ones are in Spain! OMG! The ones on the beach are ah-mazing! Plus they come in weird flavors like guava and carrot :laughingsmiley: .

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Heehee!! But Spain's are the best! I love Spain so much more than I do crummy old Philadelphia (no offense to the Philadelphians!). Have you ever been there? To Spain, not Philadelphia.

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No. Not yet. I'm plotting though. One day, we'll make it to Europe. And beyond. I have a nice little list of places I want to go to. Germany, (I'm German), Ireland (My husband is Irish), Italy, Paris... Cairo, Egypt. I know he'll want to go to Japan. Someday... :yes:

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I want to go to England, Ireland, Poland, and Germany. :yes:


And France. But only because I'm pretty sure that it's legal there to marry anything (some lady married the Eiffel Tower) so I'm want to move there and become a citizen, then marry Porygon. :D

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Carrot snowcones? That sounds so... not good.


I would love to travel. I've never been out of the country. Period. I think the farthest I've been from home is Texas. But I'd really love to go to France and England, just for all the historical stuff. (Odd, considering I hate history classes.)


Hehe, Laura, you should. :P But only if I can be your bridesmaid!

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There's just something awesome about Europe. There's so many amazing things to see... castles, cool cities... it's exciting. Plus, then there's the Asian countries. I can't wait until I get the chance to travel.

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That's true. That's why I want to go to Germany so badly. I'm mostly German. (And a little bit Swiss) My grandma used to love telling about how her parents (or grandparents) came over the US. They came from Russia, directly (As she also liked to tell, they got caught up in that whole, come to Russia, we'll give you land, thing) But they were German. It just makes me curious to see more about my heritage. Same with my husband, and Ireland.

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I'm pretty sure the same amount of past has taken place everywhere, Laura. :P


Oh hush up. <_< You know what I meant. The most EXCITING history mainly came from Europe.


Well, Asia had some pretty interesting history as well. But places like Africa and America... well, history there was unknown for quite some time.

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If you consider a bunch of old royal people dying and starting wars and then dying some more while your history professor drones on and on thinking he's interesting when he's really *continues mumbling*


Asia did have interesting history. :yes:

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I had a pen pal in Florida. She had horrible grammar, but she was an amazing graffiti artist, and she wrote my name in her style and sent the paper to me. I think I still have it somewhere....

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I used to write to a girl in New Mexico. An elderly couple knew both of us, and put us in touch. We wrote for a few years, then she came into CO to visit family, and I got to meet her. Next thing I knew, her great-uncle got very sick, they ended up moving here. Her and I were joined at the hip for probably, 3 years. I spent probably, 5 nights a week at her house.


Then I saw the light and got out of there as quick as I could. lol

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Ever since then... I haven't had any super close friends that I could hang out with... except the friend I grew up with. (My sister's best friend) I've known her my whole life (she's roughly 6-7 yrs older than me) But we fell out of touch in the last year or so. So my closest friends were online. My best friend, is actually in Kentucky.

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