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Giovanni Gale

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Tyler, that is not procrastinating. That's being easily distracted. :-P


The cross-stitch I started when I was 10-11 was a lighthouse. But I did do a little 3-D puzzle for him that was a lighthouse too. Amazingly, that was finished much quicker. lol My dad has always been into boats, lighthouses, stuff like that. Now he's into mountain stuff more, ever since he started taking work trips to Alaska. Now he wants to finish his office in their basement to look like a log cabin. lol even from the outside of the room.

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I've been to Alaska once. I was there for a week, during summer. My dad works for a computer company, and he went up there to cover for some of the people. He worked in Anchorage that time. (Ever since, he's got to Fairbanks in December/January) I thought Anchorage was gorgeous. At the time, I was considering law school, and I thought it would be perfect to have my little law practice up there. Then it got to be winter here, at -16 and I changed my mind. lol My dad loves it though... even Fairbanks in winter. He goes for a month or more, so he rents a little cabin. Goes cross-country skiing and such. He thinks it's great fun when he has a water bottle freeze solid in his pocket. Personally, I want to be somewhere warm. I hate cold now. lol


My husband would love to pack everything and move to a cabin in AK, never to talk to anyone else again. So would my dad, and my father-in-law. I know if I put the 3 of them in the same room one of these days... us 3 females are not going to be happy with what results. lol

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Yeah, I get distracted and procrastinating mixed up sometimes. But I do procrastinate on pretty much every assignment I have.

I've never been to Alaska, but it's definitely one of the top places I would like to go.

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It's 39 degrees here right now. And that's too cold for me. Let alone -50 to -60. That's too extreme for me. But during summer, it was high 70s, low 80s. It was perfect.


EDIT: Tyler, Alaska is a must-see. Someday. I have this goal, of seeing all 50 states, plus out of the country before I die. I figured Alaska and Hawii would be 2 states I'd never make it to. I've made it AK, and about, 10-12 other states... plus Mexico and the Bahamas. And I'm only 24. So I should have plenty of time to complete my goal. I

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I'm in Colorado. In the middle, near Denver. Even though we have a nice, high elevation, we get the weird stuff. During summer, it rarely gets about the higher 90s. But there's days in December and January, where it's 70 degrees. We get snow storms that close highways, then there's no sign of the snow by morning. You never know how to dress here. lol The day can start out as shorts weather, and be snowing by evening.

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See... now rain, I like. Snow... well... hmmm. Can I interest any of your Cali people to some snow? It's pretty, I promise. My husband is from Florida and he loves it. (There's this couple that lives near us... the guy is from Florida, the woman is from Cali. I guess when it snowed for the first time when he got here, he asked her what it was. She was like, ummmm, snow. He said, "I thought snow fell in balls." lol See? Snow is awesome. You know you guys want some. :whistle:

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