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Giovanni Gale

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Omg lol, Domino, Meowth sounds hilarious in that clip. However, I kind of want to see the whole episode.


Um.. It only takes up to the 't' in 't.' However. I don't know if I can make it now, since Porygon is likely trademarked or copyrighted or whatever.

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"On this we had to disagree:"


Oh my. I can see how that would cause seizures. I wasn't effected, but I can see how kids who spend entirely too much time with electronics would be sent into seizures by that.

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Grrr... the second line won't fit on the design spreadshirt.

We're gonna get to design a shirt in school, if you really want me too I'm pretty sure I could get one for you :P


Course, it'd have to be around May or something.

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Graphics I. I took it cause I thought we'd be doing a lot of photoshop, but it turns out that we'll be focusing more on design (how to make things look good - layout-wise, and well, some editing too), and photoshopping is really in Graphics II.


But we're gonna have to design a t-shirt for a project, which I think is gonna be pretty cool :D

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It's very flashy. I stopped looking at it in fear of seizures. But I can see how, it could almost pass as a 3-D effect. Just get some glasses and watch the screen pop up.


Watching this reminds me of the Simpsons...




Hang on I'm watching Japanise T.V. Hey, isn't this the show that causes seizures?


*Bart has seizure*




What's going on there, what are you wa-


*Marge has seizure*




What the he-


*Lisa has seizure*


*Homer enters room. Notices everyone having seizures*






*fakes seizure. Show ends*




All that seizuring made me hungry. Let's go eat.


That's one of my favorite episodes...

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We're gonna get to design a shirt in school, if you really want me too I'm pretty sure I could get one for you :P


Course, it'd have to be around May or something.


Only if you promise to send it via UFP? :P

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Only if you promise to send it via UFP? :P

Oh yes absolutely :yes:


Am I being ignored, or is the shirt intended to be incredibly epic?

Um, no, it was one post.

But yes, the shirt will be incredibly epic.

That and I don't watch the Simpsons.

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Congrats on your A's, CC!


I actually finished with midterms two weeks ago and finally got the grades this week. I got a 76 (blech x_x), two 87s, a 91, a 95, and a 96. I feel good about them :graduated: (well, minus the 76).

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I don't actually remember what I got on my exams. But I passed all my classes with decent A's. :graduated: Sorry about your 76, Will. What subject was it?


I have pancakes. They're deliciously yummy. ^_^

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Yeah....I didn't do so hot on most of my exams....yeah. I mean, I still did well in the classes, but it definetly wasn't my best.


*surreptitiously steals a pancake with mad ninja skills* *noms*

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I don't actually remember what I got on my exams. But I passed all my classes with decent A's. :graduated: Sorry about your 76, Will. What subject was it?


I have pancakes. They're deliciously yummy. ^_^

Ironically, English. And it was a "standardized" English, so basically you read something and then answer questions accordingly. It was stupid though, because the multiple choice questions were based on how you interpreted the piece of literature, and sometimes there were a couple answers that could be right based on how it was interpreted.


For example, the story is about how a group of village people found a drowned man who they found on the shore. They're a small village, and their days basically consist of fishing, eating, sleeping, and repeating. It's important to note that the drowned man was a foot or so taller than the rest of the villagers and was very handsome. For the whole story, the villagers imagined how his life was and what type of person he was.

So then the question was, "Why did the village people create such an elaborate story for the drowned man?"

And I narrowed it to two answers:

1) They didn't have much else going on in their lives.

2) He was unlike any person they have ever seen before.


And the answer was B <_<



But yeah, now I want pancakes :P

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*permits the thievery of a pancake* I had one left over anyway.


I can't stand standardized English tests. English is a totally subjective subject. You can't standardize it.

I would've gone with A in that case too.

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But ironically when the teachers make a test you have to answer it the way that the teachers wants you to:


Basic Example: Do YOU think that studying is fun?




- Yes


Double ironically how it should always be A :rolleyes_anim:.


Edit: Ninja-d.


So true, everybody thinks differently after all.

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