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Giovanni Gale

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Nah, I make good jokes since my school is really messed up, so I get a lot of material from there. But most of the time my jokes are inniproprate or have swears so I can't share them here.


All my jokes are inappropriate. My mind is inappropriate. I have seriously reign myself in to still be able to post here.

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Neither am I, my school is filled with textoholics, Twilight fangirls, people whom think their cool, pimps, PS3 fanboys, girls whom act like wh*** (you know what I mean), an unfair principal, a vice principal whom thinks she runs the school, and completely unorganized events, fundraisers, afterschool programs and trips.

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Mine is full of over-tanned-girls-who-think-they-are-cool, cheerleaders, jocks, ghetto kids, kids who think they're ghetto, fangirls of all sorts, weeaboos (OMG KAWAII DESU NE! <_<), metalheads, drama dweebs, speech freaks, and bandos. And then those of us who just kind of congregated together because we really don't fit in one of those, but are friends with one from at least each group, so essentially we're drifters.


EDIT: Sadly, we have no ninjas like Livvy. :(

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For me it's the people who go there. my class is full of rich snobs (a disadvantage of going to a private school) extremely inappropriate "cool kids"and all my school is doing is spreading things about each other

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Hey! I'm a metal head!! I find that offencive!


Also, I'm in middle school, so this is bad.


I love the metalheads! They're some of my favorite people! In fact, I'm currently crushing on one.


@Livvy: The annoying animu fangirls who think they are in an anime and go, "OMG SASUKE KAWAII DESU NE NEKO KITSUNE LOVE! DATTEBAYO!" <_< And that's why I quit anime club


Oh, and the worse part is that they think they are 1)the most gorgeous creatures ever and everyone wants there children and 2)they are the greatest artists ever and everyone should grovel at their amazingness.



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At my HS, there was over 1000 kids, just in the graduating class. That didn't account for the other 3 grades in the school.


That's exactly how my school is. We have four buildings and it's still crowded. <_<

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My school had the main building, which was 3 stories, plus a basement. Then in a different building in the courtyard, there was another 2 story building, for the arts. Auto shop, print shop... etc. Then the main gym was a block away, then the aux. gym was another block a different direction. It was crazy. Imagine doing all that hiking all over the place, carrying a 35lbs back pack because there wasn't enough time to go to the lockers. Not fun.

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