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Hang Out and Post

Giovanni Gale

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Thank you, Revenge. Thank you.


You could just call them Rufusbies. (Half a cookie to anyone who gets the reference. And then half a brownie for just being amazing.)


...Can't I get the whole cookie? Rufus is the exact reason I suggested Nakedmoleratbies. :<

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I spend too much time doing nothing on the internet. I literally just open up seven tabs, check them all, close them, wait a minute and repeat. It's unhealthy.

same here, except I have 2 windows and the tabs split between the two, so I can easily hide one of them and nobody notices :evil: oh, & sometimes I'll have Firefox, Chrome, & Opera open at the same time xD now that's overkill!



& furbies have always terrified me. probably because they remind me of the gremlin things that you aren't supposed to feed after midnight......

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Yes, yes we'll protect you. :D


Anyway we locked up the Furbies loooong ago in a broom closet somewhere on the 67th floor.




Huh... Who would've guessed their fur could pick locks.

Oh, um right.


*runs away shrieking*

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