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I switched to Chrome too. I keep deleting tabs as I'm not using them, and I don't really frequent that many sites anyway. Yet I'm still online nearly ALL the time.


I just go to one at a time.



Like, as soon as I go to the "New posts" part of TDN and there's nothing new, then i'm going to Ikariam until my soldiers reach the person i'm attacking's town...


OH MY FLIPPIN GOSH! POSESSED PLASTIC CHILDRENS TOYS! -Hides under bed- Oh, that's where I put all my old ferbies. AHHHH!


FURBIES! :D I have a Furby. It's a little Furby. It's blue and pink. I'll get a picture. >:3


NO! Please don't! Those things scare meeeee! D:


PM it to Tyler or someth- NO WAIT DON'T! HE'D JUST SPAM IT ON THE HAMS LEADER CONVO, HERE, AND EVERYWHERE ELSE I GO! D: -Throws a gym sock at Tyler-


But how could you not love a face like this? :<




The batteries have long been dead and the beak broke, so it won't close. XD


Oh Furbies. How you frighten me. How you terrify me with your unwavering gaze and your randomly activated speech. End my Ode to Furbies.


*bows deeply and exits stage*


Without fur, Furbies would be called Nakedmoleratbies. :guiltysmiley:


Thank you, Revenge. Thank you.


You could just call them Rufusbies. (Half a cookie to anyone who gets the reference. And then half a brownie for just being amazing.)

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