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Hang Out and Post

Giovanni Gale

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You are so lucky to have a drama department even cuz I have no such thing as a drama department or sports or anything like that and if you ever complain about the lack of facilities or activities they always respond that "This is a place to learn and not a playground....". Heck, we don't even have tables for lunch time, we have to stand and eat near where the buses stop cuz it acts as a playground too.

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Ahaha xD That's hilarious! Now I know where to get my child treated for goat trauma (not that that I have a child)

Listen to this testimonial:

"Since getting help from the Childhood Goat Trauma Foundation, I've been able to go outside for the first time in twenty-two years! Thank you, CGTF!"


-- Billy B., Peoria, IL


Ah CC, that stinks. Extra-cirriculars are usually a lot of fun and give you some cool experiences. Plus they help you get into a better college ;). You should tell your principle that and ask them to consider adding more departments for activities.


And Livvy, whether or not you really need to speak louder depends on what types of mics you'll be using (if any). Like do you know if you'll be using personal mics or floor/hanging mics?

But still, speaking louder is always a plus. Just takes some practice, like everything else.

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No. Only forehead mounted ones. Because those television screens... well, most goats are must too short to be able to bash them in. So they hate them, for the poor goats feel that forehead mounted screens are taunting them.

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That site? Ha. That site is a lie. I mean, did you see their logo (when you hover over it)? OBVIOUSLY it's a bunch of phooey.


Everyone knows goat's don't have two fangs. They've clearly got seven. Geez.

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Ah. Yes, I'm sure other forums are immensely less interesting than ours. We have our own brand of interesting. It's called TDNF's Own Brand of Interesting. :P


I've considered taking online classes. Should I not?

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Meh, I haven't even been at it a week, so I couldn't tell you what it's like overall. :P

I just know it's weird to read all this stuff about people in their introductions that normally you wouldn't get in real life cause nobody cares.

But so far it's not so bad.

I like being able to sit here in pj's and be able to take a lot of breaks whenever I want. :P

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Thanks. I appreciate it. Goodness knows I backed myself into a lot of uncomfortable corners as far as classes go this year; I am NOT eager to do the same next year. And I do hope it works out alright for you.


EDIT: Darn, I killed it again.

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