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Hang Out and Post

Giovanni Gale

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That's a rather bizarre reaction.


EDIT: Mrrf. The headache is starting to fade now. Yay for Tylenol and caffeine.

horray for the fading heahache.


& I never said anything about what I was going to do in the bathroom ;) xDD


turn right maybe?




Is pee stealing that empty feeling in your bladder again?
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I agree with you. Er, i'm gonna go back to waiting for Revenge... So uh, yeah...


-Goes back to candy filled shopping cart and gets some more gummy worms before sitting back down in lawn chair-

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You know, I just realized, I don't even go on my E-mail anymore and i'm not signed up for even one of those chat rooms site thingies like AIM and MSN. Yay! I can't be contacted by anyone I know on TDN! ^^

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@SS: But isn't that a bad thing? It's fun having random conversations where no one else on the forum can see :P


After all, we are a very interesting crew.


EDIT: I'm pretty sure that you can still chat with people on the various networks. You just can't webcam or whatever.

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@Laura. But thing is, i'm not part of the Insanity crew. xD




And I would TRY to go to sites like that, but my parents freaking watch everything I do on the internet. They have some program that records everything I do. I have no privacy whatsoever when i'm in that stalker house! ;-;



Edit: I realized suddenly that instead of editing my post above Laura's, it might be a better idea to just make a new post. xD

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