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Hang Out and Post

Giovanni Gale

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Nice description, Revenge. :P


I have to go! I've got a New Year's party to get to, hosted by one of my guy friends. See you in 2010! :D


OH! Before I go! Remember this for me: "In the beginning, there was Ian." I don't want to forget this idea! (It's a secret idea.)

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yep :D


If you want to see the rest of them, click the "visit my website" link on my profile. there's not much on there so you should be able to find them fairly fast.


(note to anyone going to my website, I have no clue what horrible thing it will turn into, but there is already a fair bit of unnecessary swearing)


oh, & I'm going to be off for a while, see you all later!


Psh, it's not unnecessary when I'm around! It's like my second language. (Ya know, I've got a LOT of restraint to be able to still post here XD)

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