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Giovanni Gale

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Insanity is always good for handling exams. :P


On a related note, my brother frequently writes elvish on his exam papers... o_O

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random insertion: wow elisabeth, I have never seen your name spelt like that, the people I know who have that name all spell it with a z! :P


First off, my name is Laura. And second Elisabeth is the German way of spelling it.

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It's my German name. Since Frau failed to tell me that Laura could very well have been my German name.




But nah, it's not really her fault. The list we were looking off didn't have it.

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I hate it when my name is pronounced differently in all the three languages that I know *Facepalm*. I am only thankful for one thing about my name and that is it is not a compound name.

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We used to do that in middle school. My German name was Tobias, cause the only one like mine was Wilhelm, and I didn't like the helm part. But we got into high school and my German teacher's like "Oh, that's such a stupid idea. I don't know why all of the other teachers insist on doing it" so we don't do it anymore.

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Eh, I think it's kind of fun, and helps the flow of my teacher's speech, because she speaks a lot of German to us very often, so if she has to kill her pronunciation to say an Americanzied word, then it sounds funny.

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I hate it when my name is pronounced differently in all the three languages that I know *Facepalm*. I am only thankful for one thing about my name and that is it is not a compound name.


I know! XD My french and latin teachers have really weird accents (even though latin's supposedly not a spoken language anymore) :P

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Ha, my usual explanation has too many bad words in it, I'll try to clean it up :O



Been in a lot of pain, still forcing myself to get to school part time.



try walking a few blocks when every step you take sends excruciating pain through your legs that are already hurting.

extremely exhausted too, so a large portion of my free time has been spend laying on the ground (note that I have a very comfortable spot though)


schoolwork piling up too.


Oh, & my previous 'laptop' is basically dead, overheats very quickly, so I'm using a way old pentium 3 now, soo slow, can't even watch low quality videos.

oh, & I'm broke, lol. spent the last of my money on replacing my dead headphones



but there is a little good news, but it's kinda personal. But if your curious, just pm me, I just don't want any unregistered weirdos stalking me to be able to see it.

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Do you want a what's up right now (summary) or a general what's up (in-depth)?


Lately, I've found myself having to ask too many people that. :( I don't like to swamp people unless they're prepared.

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My best friend, the one I love, moved to Washington. My friends and I are falling apart without her. A piece of paper tole me I'm emotionally unhealthy, and now I'm even worse.


But on the bright side, my vision therapy is progressing faster than expected, and I'm more health-conscious, so hopefully my tummy won't be so poke-able anymore. ;A;

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Is the issue party invitation only? :P


Ahh, we all have issues in life. Kinda comes with life >.<


Sorry you guys are having those issues though. I hope things can get better for you two. I really do.


Edit: Oh shucks, I've been ninja'd.

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