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Hang Out and Post

Giovanni Gale

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Heh, I don't mind. I mean, everything I value is in the basement, so it's all safe, and if I were to die, well, at least I went out with a bang instead of dying off really old in a bed.


I mean, it's just something interesting. Life is kinda boring imo.

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I dont know about this whole note check thing ...


for us here in canada, you take notes b/c you want to learn you've never had to take notes (and 2 notes seems rediculously small, i go through 75 page notebooks in a week or less-University classes-)


Notes are handy for studying, but some people learn better by tape recording lectures. In most cases if you dont have good notes, you are not going to succeed!!

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*pops in*


Hey everybody! What did I miss?


(That was a rhetorical question, to indicate that I had been away for a while - I'm perfectly capable of reading through the pages and pages of discussions you guys left in your wake. :P )

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But I hear he's back on his shift...


I noticed there was a TDN record for most users online that was broken tonight. Just a few minutes before I came back, too. I don't suppose anyone has a screenie for remembrance's sake? It's fine.


Woah. That's a record that's taken a while to be broken -- but it was probably extremely close to being broken in the KI wins the cup phase and the Bonju thing.



... I want a tornado to be here. Or an earthquake. Or a cyclone. They get those further up the coast, but not this far south.

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Woah. That's a record that's taken a while to be broken -- but it was probably extremely close to being broken in the KI wins the cup phase and the Bonju thing.



... I want a tornado to be here. Or an earthquake. Or a cyclone. They get those further up the coast, but not this far south.


XD I can't believe you actually want one o_O...


The sad thing about Hurricane Katrina was if you watch Nova science? ..they knew that a hurricane was coming A YEAR before hurricane katrina actually came...and still officials did nothing about it o_O...

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Lion you WANT a tornado? are you insane! :(


Keep those things as far away from me as possible. So scary.


I'd like to see one one day, but DEF not near my home (or anyone elses for that matter)

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The sad thing about Hurricane Katrina was if you watch Nova science? ..they knew that a hurricane was coming A YEAR before hurricane katrina actually came...and still officials did nothing about it o_O...


Hurricanes and tropical storms happen almost every year...so there's really nothing to blame them for unless they knew how powerful it was going to be.

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XD I can't believe you actually want one o_O...


The sad thing about Hurricane Katrina was if you watch Nova science? ..they knew that a hurricane was coming A YEAR before hurricane katrina actually came...and still officials did nothing about it o_O...

A year? No way. It's impossible to predict hurricanes from that far away.


Think about it. A weather person can't even tell us for sure if it's going to rain next week. Do you think they could have predicted a year into the future for something like that?


Woah. That's a record that's taken a while to be broken -- but it was probably extremely close to being broken in the KI wins the cup phase and the Bonju thing.

What was the Bonju thing?

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I have no idea what everybody's talking about... but there sure seem to be a lot of new faces about! :P

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