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Giovanni Gale

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*LOL* Nice avvy! Can't wait to see what you did for your siggy!


Edit: Just noticed it. I had this Just-After-I-Got-Through-Morgan's-Creepy-Avvy-*Facepalm*-kinda thing.

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I feel giddy when you talk about dreading going back to school, 'cause I'm enjoying mine so much. Does that make me a bad person?


XD Nah. There's just so much stress from trying to maintain 94% avg. T_T....the stress *faints*

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It does look like a very U-G-L-Y baby that wasnt given what it wants though, kinda reminds me of my 1 year-old cousin ... Nah! He is the screaming kind :yes:.

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I just had a thought... Do you think it's temper would make it taste horrible? You wouldn't imagine ice cream feeling anything but bliss while you're enjoying it... Does a treat's mood determine how appetizing it is?


Is dark chocolate the goth kid of candy?


Does tofu take antidepressants?

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*You hear the frantic shouting and swiftly turn your head to face the commotion*


*You see a girl, pointing her little index finger to the sky*


*What is it that you see?*




*You begin to run away to hide your topic so he can not change it, bu-*


*Topic-Change Man has landed on your topics. All you topics are belong to him*


So, in light of the emergences of this mysterious new super hero, (:shiftyeyes_anim:) I'd like to change the subject! :O



I'm finally (hopefully) getting medication for something that has been bothering me for a year now. My mom has it too, but she refused to accept that is was bothering me as well.


But she finally has. :3

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Aw shucks, too many things I wanted to reply to. Oh well.


Revenge, nice set. I actually didn't recognize you at first. I thought you were a new person lol xD

And yes, dark chocolate is the goth kid of candy :yes:


I'd have Change-Topic Man strike again, but right now I can't really think of anything to change the topic to.

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HOLLA! :) lets talk about the sudden shift to nice weather now that Im heading back to school, and how EXTREMELY upset I am about this!



good thing it was tornado warnings and severe thunderstorms for most of the summer and now it's suddenly 30 every day where i live .. not fair :(

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good thing it was tornado warnings and severe thunderstorms for most of the summer and now it's suddenly 30 every day where i live .. not fair :(



Hmm I thought this summer's weather was pretty good o_O...just that one single hour of tornado warning at...I think 4 am.


Sighs it's going to be autumn soon. :/

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The mystery! It intrigues me!


What's the med for?


*cough* Womanly issues.


HI THERE LAURA! Now does this "Topic-Change Man" wear his underwear on his pants?


Um. We'll find out soon. I'll draw him out tonight.




It's TOPIC-CHANGE MAN. Get it right, of he'll change YOUR topic! :O

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Hmm I thought this summer's weather was pretty good o_O...just that one single hour of tornado warning at...I think 4 am.


we must be in different parts then! i'm in southern ontario and in my city there was a tornado warning every night for about a week .. and the sky was literally green every night :(

there was a tornado in a city about 45 minutes away from me .. SO SCARY :(

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we must be in different parts then! i'm in southern ontario and in my city there was a tornado warning every night for about a week .. and the sky was literally green every night :(

there was a tornado in a city about 45 minutes away from me .. SO SCARY :(


Oh yeah! :D I live in northwest Toronto, that's sort of close...geographically speaking, but yeah I remember there were lots of tornado warnings down south.

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It's TOPIC-CHANGE MAN. Get it right, of he'll change YOUR topic! :O

Glad you're blaming him for something I did :P


I kinda wish a tornado would come through my area. It'd be pretty cool, since nothing ever happens here lol.

Once there was an earthquake of like 3.0 magnitude or something, and it was the talk of the town for like week xP

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I kinda wish a tornado would come through my area. It'd be pretty cool, since nothing ever happens here lol.

Once there was an earthquake of like 3.0 magnitude or something, and it was the talk of the town for like week xP

omg no you do nottt lol tornados are the scariest things ever :( it could rip your house apart in like 10 seconds

it's actually my biggest fear :(

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