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Hang Out and Post

Giovanni Gale

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As a suicide bomber, have you had any training?

Of course, we have this suicide bomber training camp.

Is that a nice facility?

It used to be.

What happened?

New guy. The idiot tried to practice!

What did you guys learn from that?

Location, location, location.

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Um, I'll ask my brother.


Imma make this next part ibg to ensure I get some sort of answer.


Does anyone know if I can embed stuff in my 'About Me' section?


I'm assuming that it's a no, but just double checking.

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I know who he is, I just never bothered to watch his blatant stupidity on the computer when I spend enough of my lacking life watching other equally ignorant thinks. :D


I think I may hafta shank you fer ignoring my question.

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Okay, so my mom drops me off at the library to get two CDs I've been wanting for ages but the library has been closed.

She's going to pick me up in half an hour.

I go to get the CDs. According to the catalog one has been checked out already (bummer) and one is in. I look under 'W' in the pop/rock section. It's not there. I look under S-Z in all the genres (that's a LOT of CDs.) Still not there. But the best song on that album (that I love) is on a compilation album so I get that.


My mom should be picking me up by now. She's fifteen minutes late so I go pick out a book. Another 30 minutes. Still not there. There's some strange bald guy who's been staring at me. Weird.

An hour after she promised she finally comes to pick me up. She's late because my brother had to give someone a ride (a friend who rudely refused to go with someone else who offered him a ride) and she had to wait thirty minutes for the rude friend to get there.

So I get home after what is now an hour and a half of waiting for my mom. She than proceeds to chew me out for being impatient.

The CD I checked out is scratched so heavily it doesn't play.




I'm not going to even get into how my afternoon is going. >__< This post is way too long already and I've whined enough.

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My mom is the same way. I found the best way to get through it is to make them feel like they are right, and then turn and curse their name/laugh at their stupidity.


OR, they'll be so confused as to why you are agreeing with them, and then it's even funnier.

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You start on a Sunday?


Yup, my school's weekends are Fri. and Sat. and the rest are school days :yes:. I used to go to school from Sat. to Wed. but the Ministry changed it for all the schools when I went to grade 5.

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