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Giovanni Gale

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Does anyone know how to get music from an iPod into a new library and computer when the last computer and library was completely wiped before you could save any data?


Also, any ideas for a new set? I have a tablet now so I can draw anything.

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Well, if you purchased all of your songs from iTunes (which is probably not the case), you should be able to transfer purchases from one computer to another. I think if you set your iPod so you have to manage the files and everything, then you might be able to just drag and drop it into your library after you load it up. Be careful not to sync it up with the new computer now, otherwise you might lose everything. If that doesn't work, I suppose you could always try calling customer service.


After you get the songs from the iPod to your computer, it'd probably be a good idea to burn all of your songs onto cds ;)


As for a new set, I'm not sure what you should do. I'm thinking of getting myself a new one too, but I can't think of anything. Maybe you can use that Phear Me picture you had on your profile a while back?

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I actually doodled a new version of that with my tablet. First thing I did with the laptop. It's desktop size though, I tried cutting it into a set, but it's awkward. I'll upload the the picture and show you...




And considering the means of how I got all of my songs, I don't feel safe calling customer service.... And I set it so iTunes manages everything with little tweaking from me if something's inaccurate. I'm screwed.

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Could you change the setting so it let's you manage your own files? When you first connect your iPod into the computer, it'll ask you if you want to sync it up to your computer. Click no. Then click on your iPod, and you should be able to check the option that lets you manage your own files. When you do that, it'll either let you check it or stop you and say you need to sync your iPod to your computer to be able to do that. If it's the latter, then I don't know what to do, but if it lets you check it without a problem, you might be able to drag the files from your iPod directly into your library. I'm not completely sure this'll work cause I've never actually done it myself, but it could.


And if you angle it correctly, you can get the Phear and most of the guy in your set. Try going diagonally from the top right to the bottom left if it's possible.


That's a really cool picture. I like it.

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Nah, it's too awkward, I'm gonna draw an appropriately-sized set from the get-go. I just want an idea.


I already put in my ipod for the first time and I knew to say no, but there's no "clicking on your ipod.' Do you know if the icon only shows up with certain types of ipods, 'cause it never had one on the other computer.

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Hm, unfortunately I just tried what I was talking about with the iPod and it didn't work.


When I said clicking on the iPod, your iPod should show up in the left hand navigation bar. Clicking on it would allow you to access its settings and everything. But oh well, it doesn't work anyway. Sorry I couldn't be any help.

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WOW, nobody posted here in 4 hours!


I wonder where everybody is...?


Four hours isn't that long, and there have been longer periods when nobody posted. Like now.

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