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Hang Out and Post

Giovanni Gale

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Well, I dont get my 12 hours every day, you know. Only in the summah vacation, the rest of the year, I have to coop with 5 to 6 hours everyday :(.

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Now that is WEIRD. Having a party and not knowing why, Creepy if you ask me...



ANYWAYS, I still have 453 posts COUNTING THIS POST. I am spiffy like that :yes:, *starts noding the other way*

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Meh, that just means you're that many posts closer to losing interest in TDN.


It always happens, people become Fantastic Members and then we never see them again, minus Laura and Will.

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[Meanwhile, in his sinister lab, Revenge has completed his latest experiment...]



I've done it! I've created the perfect doom-bringing monster! Using advanced gene splicing technology and a couple of out-of-place game references, I shall call it-- nay, him:





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I'm still here, everyday, but unfortunately lurking. :(


Today's been such a busy day on this forum. D: And I don't like that. =_=


*pokes Morgan* Er... Laura didn't make anything very clear on the previous page, I'm sure of it. :eh:


Oh.my. Revenge.

That graph confuses me so much.

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Great choice of comic Revenge. xkcd = pure win!


*almost done with the finishing touches on chapter 2 of the TURBULENCE story*

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I just woke up and it is currently 4:33 here.


Now the thing that makes me want to bang my head on steel is the fact that our school CHANGED THEIR MINDS and even after they said that they will open after 5 weeks they are gonna open after 2 weeks.



/ *pants*

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