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Hang Out and Post

Giovanni Gale

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Agreed. It doesn't really do anything that you can't do better with a different item.


There's a big thunderstorm outside right now. Any moment now my dog'll be climbing upstairs for some comforting from me. He's really scared of thunder.

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Reminds me of that one movie called Marley and Me. Marley was really scared of thunderstorms. Unfortunately, I had to leave before the ending, so I don't know how it ends xP


Though apparently a lot of dogs are afraid of thunderstorms.

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Well yeah I knew that. Someone had told that to me I think. It wasn't that hard to figure out in the movie either. I was only 15-30 mins away from the ending I'm guessing.


It was a good movie though. I liked it.

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Although I didnt see the movie I still read the spoiler, couldnt resist. I have this really strange taste in movies in which all my favs are dramas and someone always dies in the end :yes:, :( just so sad.

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Jeez, eleven and a half hours??? You know I would sacrifice some army members to get that much sleep. But I tend to get by all right on 4 to 5 hours.

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