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Giovanni Gale

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The strange thing was that I was eating a bowl of plain cornflakes with milk when I read you Laura for breakfast advertisment, L0L!

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*snickers* Wooow, y'all. Wow.

(Omigosh Snickers! They're awesome :D )


Yay, I'm classic! I feel special. :graduated: *settles on library shelf between "Gone with the Wind" and "Hamlet"*


HI WILL! Nice to have you back! ^_^ Thank you for your kind greeting in the FM forum.


*dances happily* I still have more to add, but what I have has been sent! *excitement*


Ooh *points* look at all the *s!

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WILL!!! *tackles back*


Just got back and I'm already confusing people. Well done, Livvy. *pats self on head*

Beautiful illustration, by the way. :P


Oh yea! I have something to ask you! :shiftyeyes_anim:

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WILL!!! *tackles back*


Just got back and I'm already confusing people. Well done, Livvy. *pats self on head*

Beautiful illustration, by the way. :P


Oh yea! I have something to ask you! :shiftyeyes_anim:

CC! MORGAN! What you said on the scroll was absolutely adorable and sweet and thank you. :D

Ack, I missed the deadline didn't I >.<

Ah well, maybe Livvy will add mine and send it to Laura again.

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What are you talking about guys, and what profile :)?


Edit: Nevermind I found it and I a glad that you liked it Laura :D!

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I just added you in, Will, and I'm hoping it'll update on its own. And if not, I'll just keep sending the code to Laura again. Don't want to leave anyone out of the awesomeness ;)


... Ya know what? I think making that scroll completely made my week. =] Ah, I'm such a sentimental fool =P

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Well, seeing as all it had to contend with was a garage sale, preparing for a garage sale, and being stuck on a boat for three days, it's really not saying much. :P Though I did have a pretty good time on the boat, 'cuz I love water, and I got to watch dolphins hunting in the wild, and was standing close enough to touch them and certainly close enough to be splashed repeatedly, and did get to walk around in the oldest city in the US, and got to see the 35-year-old predecessor of my calculator, and...


But none of those things involve people quite as awesome as y'all. :D


And Laura, I get the feeling it will update overnight or something. I think it hasn't quite registered that I changed it yet. *shrug*

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Oh, nevermind. It's updated :D


I want a hug too! D=<


*hug attacks CC and Morgan and Laura (and Will if he's here)*


EDIT: Hehe, I just noticed that it has all the MSWord edit marks. Oops XP

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But it looks so adorable! I dont have any pet, except pet goldies... but they all die in 6 months or so xD.


I just noticed the markings by the way, I guess that it would be better if you do something about them now :).

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