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Giovanni Gale

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YAY, does that mean that you are gonna come here more. ANYWAYS, I finished on Tuesday :D, YAY for three months of FUN.

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Yeah, but I have high cholesterol, and the food I eat is soooo not good for me. But I just can't stop. It's soooo gooood. <3 I mean seriously, shy do things like ramen, which are so bad for you, taste so good?


Yeah! *high fives* Krawk Island! Woo!

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Seriously, your schools are awesome. I get out the 25th. It's SOOOO far away!


And there are two food groups at the top of my pyramid: meat and candy. And right under that is Italian. I do fine with weight, the rate at which I grow kinda balances out my weight. Last time I checked I weigh 160lbs. The time before that I was 120.5lbs...

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:O Laura, how can you despise Sun Chips?

The garden salsa flavor is just soo good...


I'm about 145ish, which I guess is pretty good for my height, which is like 5'8"ish.

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Half of it's muscle, which weighs more than fat. At least that's what would make sense. I'm 5'5". There's also the fact that the scale's fifteen years old and prone to falling from heights... I'm not skinny, but not fat either.


I started school September 3.

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See Revenge, THAT is why you are still going. I started August 15th, so naturally I get out earlier. :yes:


Sun Chips don't have enough sugar and/or salt, so they are just too bland for me. There just isn't enough flavor there.


And yeah, I'm about 125 lbs and 5'4-5'5.


So I guess I'm skinny. But I have fat in places I don't want it. Like my thighs and waist. Ick. And stretch marks make my life a living... well you know. :/

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lol YOU AMERICANS /shotd


D: im so small im not 5 feet yet, ALMOST but not enough. everybody`s taller than me OTL


lol i like granola bars, MMMMM GRANOLA BARS. I dont eat a lot of junk food. idk lol i could live without them.

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I think I'm pretty short. Absolutely everyone I know is taller than me by at the least two inches. I don't get it. :(

The whole reason I'm such a sleepy person is because I read somewhere that your body grows more while you're sleeping. So I spent an entire summer in my bed, throwing my system out of whack.

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I don't think I'm very short...I mean, I'm probably taller than some of my friends. :P I think I'm about 5'3, idk.

And it's somewhat weird that I stay up a lot, and I am very cranky when I wake up, but when the day progresses...I'm not very tired, it's very rare that I'm cranky all day.

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o_O Sun Chips don't have salt? They sure to taste salty...


Yeah I feel pretty short around my friends too. They're all 5'10"ish.


Unfortunately for me, I've stopped growing. Maybe it's the fact that I haven't been sleeping much lately.

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Oh, and this may be horrible timing, but I've never had sun chips.


I've never had Sun Chips either :P

Does anyone know what they taste like?

I've seen them before and they looks good...I just haven't tried them yet.

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I don't eat enough. I keep forgetting, and I have a small appetite... XD


Why does everyone else get 3-month holidays or so, while I only get two weeks...

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o_O Sun Chips don't have salt? They sure to taste salty...


Yeah I feel pretty short around my friends too. They're all 5'10"ish.


Unfortunately for me, I've stopped growing. Maybe it's the fact that I haven't been sleeping much lately.


No, they don't have ENOUGH salt. I salt everything. I even salt my beef ramen, which is probably the saltiest of the maruchan ramens.


It's probably my mom's fault. :P She ate so much salt as a child, and when she was carrying me that I now love it. <3

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