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Hang Out and Post

Giovanni Gale

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She just couldn't stand to match my amazing-ness.


See I don't know her because, a) I wasn't part of the forums very long, just TDN in general, and b) I didn't post in very many places. i just stuck in one section.

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I only joined about a month after AA, and my member no. is a lot more than his. Precisely 16.271604938 times. :O

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Actually, technically speaking I joined way earlier than you did AA3. ;) I was also briefly on the old TDN forums, although I was a lurker back then.


*considers making the group*

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I haven't even been here for a year yet...


Hey, I joined in July of last year, almost a year...


And then don't forget my "hitaus", where I was gone. I came back in March.

I only had 20 posts anyway when I came back... now I have precisely 613 (at the time of posting this)

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I went on a loooong hiatus until recently. I was never that active either. I joined just before the beginning of 2007, but still don't have that FM title.

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I went on numerous hiatuses. :yes:


Wait... is that even how you spell it? One of you smart people tell me if I'm right. I'm out of school, so I can't be bothered to do work now. :P


Well, I couldn't be bothered to do work DURING school either. XD


I'm incredibly sad right now. I knew copic markers cost a lot. But I didn't know they THAT much... This is the source of my misery :(

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CC: Because these markers aren't just regular markers. They are incredibly great. Like I can't even begin to describe how great they are. Here let me show you a small example. Here, here, and here.


Anna: I prefer drawing with pencils on paper because then I can control the blending better. Doing blending with pixels and what not is just too hard for me.

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