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Giovanni Gale

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You don't know anything about the AC? Well then, this page is in a great position to help you! :P

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*possess the title of moderator*


I hereby ban anyone who--






*somehow ingests

*is being controlled by

*is in possession of


ORANGE JUICE. Fail peoplez.


*must break 7,000 at Make Some Noise*

*casually sips orange juice*

Hm? What? o_O


Oh this? This isn't orange juice. It's just orange juice. It tastes like apples :P

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Yup, I know him. I was pretty active at the same time as he was IIRC - he used to be known as Vivi and was involved heavily in Metroid's comics. :yes: He's kinda inactive now though... we must hunt for him in TDNCFMPTF! :P


Also, I (AA), by right of seniority, staffer-hood, and post count, hereby decree that banning anybody for juice preferences earns you an instant ban, unless you possess the title of moderator.


Psh, my seniority pwns your seniority by... oh... 31 members. :P

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But no one mentioned anything about EATING oranges, (I dont know, he used big words that I never heard about) *sticks a straw through an orange and starts sucking*.

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I don't have any orange juice, only citrus punch. Which is like orange juice but tangy-er. And I remember getting oranges last time I went grocery shopping. I'm not sure if they've all been eaten though.


And I hereby de-ban myself, for I have more (unofficial) seniority than all of you.

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How do you figure that? xD


The only person able to un-ban themself would be Ian. We can't even touch him. :O

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Well, technically I've been a part of TDN since the beginning. I've been in the forums since its beginning, the old ones, I've just had computer problems and got lost for awhile. As of right now, the only active person whose been here longer than me is Anime.


I'm cool with Ian being the only de-banner, but why would he be banned in the first place?

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Well, technically I've been a part of TDN since the beginning. I've been in the forums since its beginning, the old ones, I've just had computer problems and got lost for awhile. As of right now, the only active person whose been here longer than me is Anime.


I'm cool with Ian being the only de-banner, but why would he be banned in the first place?


...I don't know exactly when you joined, but I've been here at TDN for a long time too.. o_O I've been here since... probably around... I don't know. Like 2004 or 2005. I don't remember. Those years all blended together.

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IVE BEEN HERE FUREVAR JK. a-all i can remember talking to is Laura and those old people. >>;;


i remember in the old forums there were two shout boxes the one at the bottom of the page and the one on top but they were the same

like the same messages and etc.




Laura (the better one): BAD LAURA. PEOPLE WILL BE LEFT OUT *actually being nice*


lol ive been here like late 2005 OTL i was nine when i started going here. LOL




Morgan: LOL ARE YOU SERIOUS xD a day before? thats wow. xD what a coincidence.

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lol the old days~ i miss laura but idk i know she aint coming back P:


xD to make people left out? WOW


if we` re making a club then what will be the minimum age of oldnessss/IDK SENIORITY? xD




LOL i was looking at some old members profiles and i saw that matt was on recently



i feel like a stalker D: k.


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