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Giovanni Gale

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I`m not making you a pixel thing anymoar -goes in the corner-


CC: Uh you mean Returned_Paul right? I remember him i just never...chatted with him i think xD


i saw him lurk before 8D /shotd

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I am going to start playing after I post at the TDNCFMPTF topic, there is a FM who is called Returned_Pauk reading it, do you now him?

Yup, I know him. I was pretty active at the same time as he was IIRC - he used to be known as Vivi and was involved heavily in Metroid's comics. :yes: He's kinda inactive now though... we must hunt for him in TDNCFMPTF! :P


Also, I (AA), by right of seniority, staffer-hood, and post count, hereby decree that banning anybody for juice preferences earns you an instant ban, unless you possess the title of moderator.

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*possess the title of moderator*


I hereby ban anyone who--






*somehow ingests

*is being controlled by

*is in possession of


ORANGE JUICE. Fail peoplez.


*must break 7,000 at Make Some Noise*

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:O Then that means you're safe! *slaps sticker of approval*


Oi, school's done for the summer after tomorrow. After that, my unstoppable force of ACIV playing will be unleashed. :shiftyeyes_anim:


But only after I test over the nation's history. :D

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I have thrown out all orange juice in the place!

(Half of it was out of date anyway...)


I only play SS and MSN and SSD now. I fail at YYB.

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I think it's just Laura who hates them, and everyone else is going along because she officially had them banned.

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I think that Maraqua did well yesterday. And Lion did you get the AC avvy, I already have 19 YB wins, no loses, 5 SS wins, 6 MSN and 51 SSD. How much more do I need?

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Hmm... yes, Maraqua did do quite well yesterday, but we had an easy opponent (no offence intended to VP fans). We have a much tougher opponent today, so play harder! :P


Also, it's actually Morgan who really hates oranges. :yes:


Edit: Got beaten to it. xD

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