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Giovanni Gale

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We're closing on the midnight mark! Crazy coverage refreshing-dashing-typing time!

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Midnight is here!


Crazy coverage refreshing-dashing typing time for you means Crazy Coverage commenting on news posts time for me. :P

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xD All right, chaotic coverage time is over - for 24 hours that is. Congratulations to Shenkuu by the way!

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Well, that explains the loss then. :P Get playing and we'll be sweeping matches in no time!

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(Secretly - I'm supporting the Krawks!)


I like the way you think. KI for the win! In all fairness i bet your team will do well. We shall see how we face off against each other today though.

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Well, based purely on the first day's results, Shenkuu, KI and MI look like they'll be making a seriously strong showing this year. :yes:


But don't write off Maraqua just yet. We have a reputation for unpredictability - we nab surprise wins pretty frequently. ;)


(and surprise losses even more frequently :P )

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I am going to start playing after I post at the TDNCFMPTF topic, there is a FM who is called Returned_Pauk reading it, do you now him?

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First off, orange juice and tooth paste is just unthinkably WRONG Will. Secondly, that is MY smiley (:bonjeur:), thank joo very little. And Letter Q, Morgan banned oranges. I just hate them along with her. SO IF YOU HAVE ANY PRIDE IN TDN, WILL, YOU WILL NOT DRINK THAT ORANGE JUICE!



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:bonjeur: :bonjeur: :bonjeur:

Please excuse my excessive use of smilies. It's totally relevant (take that Laura :P)


Haha who doesn't like orange juice and toothpaste though?

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I don't know anybody in their right mind who would, but I do know some people in their left mind that will :yes:


Haha but yeah I know, it is indeed very horrid :P


Ever brush your teeth, then eat breakfast and drink orange juice? Yeah, you know what I mean.

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