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Hang Out and Post

Giovanni Gale

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Well, don't worry about it - team membership doesn't affect playing performance. :) And it might just be that all the Mystery Island supporters are busy getting some practice in. :P

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Hmm... I should go to sleep now.


But I can't. I just watched Princess Bride. I love that movie, but whenever I watch it, it makes me get like... butterflies in my stomach and I can't ever sleep because I can't stop thinking about how much I would love to have a life like that.


*le sigh*

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I just found out who is the special person while wandering around the forum pages. It is Izzy who is the 500th borrower in the avatar lending programme. See site announcement. :guitar: Happy bithday Izzy

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Uh... 500th borrower? No, she's one of the dedicated staffers running the program, not a borrower. :P

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No, you post was awesome, like any other staffer's birthday post. :P Happy birthday Izzy if you ever come by to this topic. :O


*Waves MI flag* I'm supporting Mystery Island this year. Not sure if I'll be able to fit enough games in this month, but I'll try my best!


But then....there's school. :(

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Ah yes, shadow node number four... I don't believe we've introduced it to the RP yet. :P


Anybody like the subtle changes to my set?

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Yeah, something like a shark. :evil:


Have you noticed the KI players in Yooyuball look kinda like sharks when you're viewing them from above?

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xD It was just something I did on a whim. One of the advantages of having a simple set. :P

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And also, 'Mon the Maqs!


Let's get scoring people, the AC is in full swing! :D

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Well, I'm closing in on this semester's final exams. xD


(Psst. Get out there and play for Maraqua!)

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