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Ouch. Tough luck there. Call the police about it.


We did call the police... and the sad thing is .. i just happen like 2 days after my bro, and we just got that in like september. It was a good car and fast. We're presuming its one of the kids from school or the neighbourhood near the school.


Oooh, bad. I had a car totaled once, because some teenage idiot thought the car in front wasn't taking the spots he should and turned left right in front of me. I sprained my ankle really bad from slamming on the brake, and it was only about a week after my dad had about 3k of work done on it. It was such a nice car...*sniff*

Not much like getting your car stolen, but similarly $#%@@y nontheless.

Like what you do without a car for a while - that's probably the worst part, or it was for me.

~The idiots of the world never cease to amaze and disgust me~

when will the insurance company do something about it?


They can't thats the sad thing!!! MY day got insurance for it, but not fully for it righ, so like they won't pay since it was stolen. Omg, it was like old, so my dad upgraded it and like spent 1500 dollars on it, including new deck mirror, side mirror, glass, and tires. Stupid desperate people.


Hmm, never been an accident, me, but I have had enough health problems to fill up 10 car accidents. Wow, that made no sense...


I don't drive, and my parents drive well.


Yeah, that always sux. Mine are more chronic, like athsma and (eugh) reflux.


i answered ur question mikey lol. Yeah.. i hope they find the car, it was my favourite and so was my brothers. :(


I can't drive yet. I have to wait a couple more years.


Awwww....all these stories seem so sad....Good luck with the car - I really hope you get it back!!!


By the way didn't the police have like a tracking device in every car....???




God, I think I failed my test. I really do......I hope the result isn't below 65%....Or actualy, 75%'s good. That's a B. I can handle a B.....


Anyway. How was your day?


*throws confeti* FINALY something I want...... Lookie! *throws confetti again*:




Whoa... did it actually work? Sure looks like it. Your Petpet has been transformed. Imagine that.

You should come back tomorrow and try again!




---I have a FARIE RAINDORF!!!


it's a mixed blessing...there's being able to go wherever, almost whenever, but then again there's insurance, gas, the possibility of it being stolen or wrecked, the insurance company $#@$$#@ you over, etc.

One of my friends was in an accident about a year and a half ago, she's still in therapy, and do you know why? Some stupid guys in a car were trying to shock themselves with an electric fly-swatter.

Not quite as stupid as stealing someone's car, though.


Not every car has a tracking device. I think you have to pay to have it added in yourself.


OMG YEYY, im like soooo[the ooo continues on] happy, THE POLICE FOUND THE CAR! W00T!! I Dunno the full details yet, i hope the new deck is still there. They found it far off from where my school was. I hope they catch the theif. But we still have to pay for everything now i think, cause like they found it and no insurance and stuff. sTill i was very joyfull when i heard the good news! That's the power of the police!


wow I'm glad they found the car. The device is probably still there since it hasn't been too long. But as long as you guys get the car back. Anyways, a car is "cheap" to get, it is the maintenance that costs more than the car.


Wow, that's great that you found the car. Hope everything is okay with it! ;)

Wow, that's great that you found the car. Hope everything is okay with it! ;)


Same here, cars are things you should keep in good shape to make it live as long as it can.


Yyeah, i have to wait for my dad and brother to come back home to know if there was anything stolen from the car.


That's great you found it! And, Lulu, you're lucky. I had the labs, but my account wad frozen. I kind of am glad its gone, though, cause I tended to cheat a bit. Now, I earn everything from games and shops.


I guess, i don't think they found the person yet. I heard my dad talking to the police saying that the engine was still running. We had the car keys, the person went through the board and started it using the wires probably.


well it shouldn't be long. that's great!


My bro came home. The theif stoole the deck[mp3] i knew it, tats y they stole the car. And they got in using a honda master key.....wow. What an idiot, why would he/she leave it in the car. Anyways, im just glad everythings safe, my brothers belongings are still in the car and his liscence too.


Well that's a nice ending! The villian falls! Like in the cartoons!

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