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Hang Out and Post

Giovanni Gale

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Oh Morgan, if only you knew....


If only you knew. You could've easily gotten in on the fun, but you didn't.



Anywho.... My back hurts. I think I need to start sitting up instead of slouching.

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Lol sorry Morgan :P We won't use chatspeak here anymore.

Haha Laura's right though. If only you knew... :D


*Meepit comes up and pokes Laura with a stick* MY BABY LEARNED SOMETHING FROM ME....AWWW.

o_O Huh?

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for now.


What important things have I missed? (I was last on April 11th)


Also, If I don't show up for a few days, could someone please either email, PM, or IM me? (If you need my email or IM's, PM me & I'll give them to you)

I'm not giving a satus update on myself right now. I haven't slept for around 22 hours, so I'm mot the clearest thinker right now.

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Welcome back :D. Laura and I were wondering if you were okay.


You haven't missed all that much, except Livvy and Revenge aren't showing up that much anymore. And we got quite a few new people posting on this board too.

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And I posted 1000 times and built the ginger bread house and we got a new baker and we are looking for a gardner and the DC added some new cool looking eggs and Morgan posted 6000 times and oranges are permenantly banned...*starts breathing* Nope, you didnt miss much.

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I missed youuuuu!


We have some insanity back! HUZZAH! *throws confetti*




*clears throat*

Now on to serious business... in other news, Laura has spaghetti. :woot:

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