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Giovanni Gale

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*tears up political crap* :grrr:


I so want to get some sort of illness so I don't have to go to school tomorrow. <_<

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Yes, just one sniffle and I stayed at home today. It was weird. (homework catchup time *sigh*)


But its a bad time to get sick this Winter (its almost Winter, its just May). I'd have to lie sick and waste boxes of tissues. Its bad enough someone eats a whole box in a day. <_<

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Well, what really sucks is that, my teachers in the past got me accustomed to an easy end of the year. And now, it just gets harder and more frustrating as the year nears an end. And then we have finals. On our very last days. :angry:

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My school is also really crazy. In my school, they start to implement a compulsory temperature taking when we all have to pass throught a certain machine and take a sticker to show that you are safe but the worst thing is that it only cover the main entrance and not the back door that I always enter which is easier for me and then I have to go all the way to the main entrance to the temp taking to get that sticker <_< and go to my classroom. Its like if a sick person is to enter through the back gate then it still has a chance to infect others..

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Not sure about that but they just gave us a thermometer XD


I also gotten one before during the SARS period from my previous school..

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..idk lol.


the only time my school lets you go home is when you have a fever or worse lol.

i have no idea what my country did in the SARS pandemic. all i can remember is that they put the symptoms in our clinic

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Me too, no idea. Our school didnt do pretty nothing cuz we live in the middle east. It is nice to have a sticker though :snitch: .

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Was SARS the Avian Flu? Or am I thinking of something else?


Yeah our school isn't really doing much about the Swine Flu.

It's weird though, it's like a lot of people got sick suddenly.

And I did too, with a cough, sore throat, stuffy nose, and as of right now a very low fever <_<

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I don't think avian flu is the same as SARS, they are 2 different diseases. I know avian flu came from bird but SARS I can't remember..


I'm healthy too just a little sleepy because I have to wake up early for the temperature taking thingy..

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