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Giovanni Gale

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If I'm not wrong they are talking about the large intestine which is part of our body. If you still don't get it then its really hard for me to explain..



But I'm not. I'm talking about the punctuation colon.


This one. ---> :

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Hey y'know the whole Swine Flu thing? Well it's funny, in my school, they added antibacterial hand sanitizer in every room to help stop the spread of the disease, but the Swine Flu is a virus xD

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Haha, I'm white. That's a joke right?


Ew, the Swine flu thing is so stupid. As long as you get the proper care (the very same care you would get for a normal flu, err well almost the same) then you will be fine. Besides, it is said that the H1N1 virus has mutated to be less deadly. I think it's now H2N3.

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Laura, from what I've heard, the H2N3 is the regular flu virus, the one we get vaccinated for every year. Swine flu is still H1N1.


So, I'm back after 2 weeks of no internet access. Anyone care to update me? I heard DC got 7 new eggs.

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Haha, I'm white. That's a joke right?


Ew, the Swine flu thing is so stupid. As long as you get the proper care (the very same care you would get for a normal flu, err well almost the same) then you will be fine. Besides, it is said that the H1N1 virus has mutated to be less deadly. I think it's now H2N3.

Lol, the thing is, it isn't. My school can be really stupid at times xD


That's true. I mean, it's becoming less and less dangerous every day. I think what experts are afraid of though is if the virus mutates again into something either more virulent.


But I'm really hoping my school gets closed cause of this. It would be a nice vacation :yes:

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Laura, from what I've heard, the H2N3 is the regular flu virus, the one we get vaccinated for every year. Swine flu is still H1N1.


So, I'm back after 2 weeks of no internet access. Anyone care to update me? I heard DC got 7 new eggs.


Oh, maybe it is. That was just what I heard from the kids in my bio class.


Lol, the thing is, it isn't. My school can be really stupid at times xD


That's true. I mean, it's becoming less and less dangerous every day. I think what experts are afraid of though is if the virus mutates again into something either more virulent.


But I'm really hoping my school gets closed cause of this. It would be a nice vacation :yes:


You will have to make the days up, though, won't you?

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Nope, the schools that close because of swine flu don't have to make up the days they missed.


Lucky punks.

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I don't get why schools are closing because of Swine Flu though. O.o It's really overblown.

PR thing. They want to keep it contained since it's been in the news so much and nobody wants a parent screaming at them for making the school a dangerous place. :P


P.S. So I guess nothing besides the DC Eggs has happened in the last two weeks?

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Seriously. I'm so tired of people calling the swine flu a "potential pandemic". It's not even as bad as when it first started, and even then it wasn't that bad. People are just so afraid of getting sick that they practically take a bath in hand sanitizer, and when they do get sick, they get hit extra hard because they have no freakin' resistance. The stupid media always blows things way out of proportion. <_<



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Nope, the schools that close because of swine flu don't have to make up the days they missed.


Lucky punks.


Well, I don't know about where you live, but out here (Obama's hood, yo) we're hardcore and we hardly ever close. And when we do, we have to buck up and make up for it.

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Lol, the thing is, it isn't. My school can be really stupid at times xD


That's true. I mean, it's becoming less and less dangerous every day. I think what experts are afraid of though is if the virus mutates again into something either more virulent.


But I'm really hoping my school gets closed cause of this. It would be a nice vacation :yes:

ya if you get the swine flu all you really need to do is take some antibiotics but, the reason its so serious in mexico is that they dont have a lot of antibiotics. everyone is jus overreacting about this.


it would be nice for school to close though the 7 people in new jersey that have the swine flu dont live near me :sad01_anim:

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Still, I mean, with finals at the end of the year, I don't have to show up for the last four days of school anyway.

But I don't think we'd make it up anyway...

But yeah, I agree, the media is definitely overplaying this. I mean, it was kinda bad at first, but it died down really quickly. Still, it's better to be safe than sorry, and that's pretty much why countries reacted the way they did.


ya if you get the swine flu all you really need to do is take some antibiotics but, the reason its so serious in mexico is that they dont have a lot of antibiotics. everyone is jus overreacting about this.

Actually, the swine flu is caused by a virus, so antibiotics would be useless against them.

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Aren't you supposed to take like... tamaFLU or something like that?


Haha, I never took anything besides Motrin and Tylenol for flus. Us Obama homies are hardcore. XD (I will continue to make this connection until I can no longer stand it)

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Laura, I'm just gonna take a random shot in the dark, but do you live in Illinois?


Yeah, I never did much for flus either. I just took some Tylenol for the headache and then got some sleep. It really was never a big deal.

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No, I live in Wyoming.








*can't retain giggles* Sorry, I'm a horrible liar when it doesn't matter. Yes, I live in Illinois. Near Chicago. That's why I'm in Obama's hood. XD We so hardcore up in ha'.

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