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Uggh, I feel so bad for never being on anymore.


But, as much as loathe saying this.... I've kind of lost interest in TDN. It's probably a phase, and I'll be back in no time. But in case it's not, then I want to say you guys mean so much to me. :) I'm glad to have known you.

Uggh, I feel so bad for never being on anymore.


But, as much as loathe saying this.... I've kind of lost interest in TDN. It's probably a phase, and I'll be back in no time. But in case it's not, then I want to say you guys mean so much to me. :) I'm glad to have known you.


I'm not worried cause I know you'll be back in no time :D but its sad to have a less member to talk with :S but anyways we'll wait for your return :D enjoy your real life and may the force be with you.

Uggh, I feel so bad for never being on anymore.


But, as much as loathe saying this.... I've kind of lost interest in TDN. It's probably a phase, and I'll be back in no time. But in case it's not, then I want to say you guys mean so much to me. :) I'm glad to have known you.

Oh wow Laura, I'm not gonna lie, but I was thinking exactly the same thing.

I dunno, things just seem a bit different here after Livvy left, Revenge disappeared, and you, me and Myles stopped posting as often.

But you guys here at TDN, you guys rock. There've been some great times here.




We can never keep active posters.


Always the same. People become FMs and then they leave.


:O What made Morgan say that?!


*goes to previous page*


Um... I love TDNF. Its great to just talk to people about neopets, and more. :)

I joined here just to get back on my feet after rejoining neopets, and I got a lot more back.

I don't know how it'll feel like a year from now, but I'll always know that this place helped me a lot.


/end cheesy speech


Sadly, I made Morgan say that.


It's just that.... school is getting more and more demanding, I'm getting more tired, I have to deal with more drama from my friends, and I'm simply just growing up.


It's too hard to manage all that. I mean, I'll try, but this will probably be the only topic I will post in really.


Ooohh, dont say that, we will always be here if you ever need us. But for now I will keep pwning the forums for somebody to speak wih.


Heh, well it's not like I'm leaving.

Just probably not showing up as often.

I mean, it's not like you new people that've been showing up on this board are doing anything wrong, I just miss the old group of us (even though we really weren't that old).


Well I guess we just have to look forward to the day where everyone can be online and this board will be as lively as ever :)


*classic music starts* I really wish that day will come soon...


I wish we could but we never can cuz of the time. Still, got to have fun with the people available. How I miss thou Livvy?


Yes... Am I to say, who barely is active at all.

Hm, I found this strange site about Paul McCartneys death and the site is freaking me out :P


I actually loves them. I find it really funny when I see one of those pages. I'll make some tea and then I starts to read. The only problem is that I get, as I said, freaked out every single time.


*LOL* I am more of pink-kitty sites with flowers and such ^_^


But Pink-Kitty sounds (No offence) so boring. Sorry to say that, but the truth is that I must have at least one scary page open each day or something like that.


Well, I am not exactly pink-kitty and all *LOL* I like traditional sites like Neopets and our beloved forums. I dont step out other than that.


I am not be a big fan of scary sites but I am a fan of donuts *eats one* Yummmy...


Riddle games? What is that? Kind of a riddle online?


Ehm. Hard to explain, but I'll try anyway. In example: You get a page which from you must collect clues from so you can come into the next level. www.hello.com/firstone could be changed into www.hello.com/secondone just because it says The second level is secondone in the source code. Bah, it IS hard to explain :/

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