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Hang Out and Post

Giovanni Gale

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wow holiday because of the rain? I guess the rain must be very heavy then...


In my school even heavy rain also have to go to school but they can allow a little late thats all...

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Eurgh, I'm so ready for summer. For one, it'll actually be warm. It's almost April and we still have freezing temperatures. x_x


Two, I can sleep. :D

I can't wait for summer, that means no more snow. (It just snowed again recently) Plus there's actually time to do stuff (basically just sit idle here)
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I would actually welcome snow any time of the year. We get it so rarely that if there is even half an inch at school, we get let out. It's awesome. :D

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Heh heh yeah I know same here :D

But recently they're getting better at their snow removal techniques, so it's taking more and more for us to get a day off :(


Ugh, I just spent the last 15 hours in my school, 7 of which was spent for the musical.

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It looks like it rained ALL night so the school was partically flooded AND the buses couldnt come to pick us up *HAPPY SMILE*

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anyone here know about woot?


It's a website that sells only 1 thing a day, at great prices usually. I checked today and their april fools joke was hilarious.

It might not be appropriate for all ages so I won't link it, but a quick search will find it (result #1 searching "woot" in google)

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Thanks guys. =]


Oh MAI!! And what disasters have occurred in my absence?

1. The FM Board is dead x_x

2. TPSTS isn't very active either.

3. Erm, um, there was nothing here, really! Ever never! *ahem* *hides from Morgan's impending thwacker*


I really must get back here soon.

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Opening night for what? I got the second last troghy. *sigh* no theme.
I think it's a school play or something.



not enough active posters on at the same time it seems.



I got a weird idea, a scheduled post frenzy!

How it would work:

1) pick a date & time

2) people say they will be on then

3) at the pre-determined time, get on and wait for others

4) random conversations that take up 5 pages in a minute



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wow it is possible to post 5 pages in a minute? That will be so fun :D

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It is possible to do a page in 5 minutes. I don't know about 5 pages in a minute though, because we'd need... 50 people at the standard 20 posts/page, because of the 30 second flood control. But a whole page in 5 minutes is easy!

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Yeah, and Laura and Revenge haven't been around on this board lately either.

It's been very quiet lately :(


I'M SORRY! :O *waves hands wildly*


I have homework, and I started playing Kingdom Hearts again and it's just so addicting because I look at the screen and see Sora and oh... :* *happiness*


Even though he's not my FAVORITE character, he's just so adorable....

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