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Hang Out and Post

Giovanni Gale

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Oh yes, it was definitely Geof :P

Geof=pure awesomeness


Grr, I have to go now, else my parents are gonna be real pissed.

And only 10 more to go. Why, cruel world, why? :crying_blow:

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It alright. I'll take up some of the slack. I wish we'd thought to reserve pages before everyone posted under it... It bothers me that it'll be all separated. =\ But I suppose that since we keep making it longer, that was bound to happen eventually anyway.

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I'm hoping to be able to get a lot done in the next couple of days.

Yeah, that's bothering me too.

Maybe when we're finished we can make a new thread that can be pinned with the only posts being the page summaries?

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That would be good. We'd have to make sure we note that only we can post. I'd say lock it, but then we couldn't post; only staff can post on locked threads. If only I were a mod and could use my amazing mod powers for that... :P


I kinda like the comments on it though... Just wish it was possible to have the comments STAY at the end and let us post above them.

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