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Thank you Revenge *bows*


Livvy, just wondering how you guys would react :P

My friends and I were just talking about how to make an awkward silence, and I was like, I'll try it on TDNF! Then I realized, we don't make noise in the first place, and it's impossible to create an awkward silence on the internet.


Darn, my ingenious plan foiled..


Oh, are they there now? HI WILL'S NON-INTERNET FRIENDS!!


Could they hear me? =P


And you should never try to make an awkward silence here. We're all insane, and insane people find nothing awkward. See? *hug attacks Will* Not awkward at all :P


Heh heh, well, we were hanging out earlier, so they aren't around now.


Plus, I can't have them see I'm associated with Neopets in any way :P

Heh heh, well, we were hanging out earlier, so they aren't around now.


Plus, I can't have them see I'm associated with Neopets in any way :P


I don't even look at this place as a Neopets forum anymore. Just a place I go to blow off excess energy thereby preventing actual insanity. It also doubles as a place to talk to people.


Guess who's having an awesome time with his music production program!


I know, I don't use this as a Neopets forum, just a place to chat with some cool people b)


But it'll ruin my whole reputation with my friends. Neopets is for little kids and is uncool :(

And they probably wouldn't believe that I didn't use this as a Neopets forum.


So to answer your question, yes Livvy, I have to.


Music production program, Revenge? What's that?


Ha, I openly admit I come on here. I don't use it for Neopets half as much as I use it to talk to you awesome people! ^_^


Cya later Revenge! Can't wait to hear your song!


Ha, I openly admit I come on here.

You're lucky then :P


Heh heh, but if they decide to investigate they see a red Pteri and thedailyneopets on the top left hand corner.

But oh well, it doesn't matter.


What matters is that I'm under 100 posts to FM. :P Quick, someone post so I can get more!


I don't publicly admit it, but if anyone asks, I don't deny. Meaning, if people ask what games I play, I just skip over Neo (and therefore TDN), but I won't lie about it.


And here's your post, Will. :P


Yeah, I agree with Strategos, I won't lie about TDN, but I'll probably lie about Neopets.


Yay! One post closer to FMdom!


I think so. We've gotten a little more activity, but it's still quiet where it actually counts.




Alrighty then. I'll try to reach FM by the end of next week.

Which should be plenty of time.


57 :P

The only thing is I'm not sure how often I'll be able to get on. I've been really busy lately.


I can tell. You've been disappearing on us lately. =[ *sigh* You just had to go and get a life. What would you want to do that for? :P


Heh heh I didn't get one, it just kinda dropped on me :P

I'll be back more often after our musical is over though, and my schedule's back to normal.

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