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Hang Out and Post

Giovanni Gale

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Dear Diary,


Day two of the project. I can feel my mind bending and twisting to accomadate the weird and sometimes obnoxious whims of the board.

I only hope we can finish before it melts like a crayon in the sun. My hope is fading as I realize that we continue to write more and more! More pages to summarize, more insanity-ridden posts to scan. Will this ever end?


I must go now. The guards are coming.


Goodbye Diary....-gag-



(At Will: Brittney=Anime.)

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Will! It's Brittney! FIX IT!! :O


Dear Diary. I am in agreement with Katy. We were insane to take on this project! INSANE I TELL YOU! INSANE AS HYPANOTIC BANA\\.... *is dragged away from diary*

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