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Hang Out and Post

Giovanni Gale

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I know this is a bit out of the blue, but would anyone be willing to participate in a RP with me? The RP forum has been dead for so long, and I want to see if people will notice it and try to revive it. Best way to do that is to start a new RP.


Would you guys be up for it?

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Brittney approved! ^_^ I am satisfied! *is satisfied*


Ahaha, I love your comment on our bravery, Morgan. It is indeed a terrifying undertaking.


I'm awful at RP... What would we be RPing?

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One of those free-form RPs. There's no specific plot, you just make a character and develop yer own adventure. xD


I can tell you might not want to, though. You have to like RPing and be committed to it to get the fun out of it. xP

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Oh lord. xD Haven't we tried that one already?


Let the records show that 2/3 of the mods prefer werewolves over vampires and pirates over ninjas.


Anime has been PWNED. >=D xD

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That we did. :P I honestly have no idea what put it into our head to attempt that. It's INSANITY!


Katy and I will probably go into convulsions of laughter when we hit our own pages. XP

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