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'Again'? You've heard it before?? *is lost*


Page 77. TA has been thrown out the window multiple times.

Page 80. I understand the statement "A level of typoing we call Anime"


Hi Morgan. x)


Page 83. A CMT conversation. -hides-


EDIT: Weird, I'm reading about Morgan being close to 800 and I have 799 right now. o.o


xD I seem a bit childish in those earlier stone-age posts.


Maybe cuz I wuz. :shiftyeyes_anim:


Page 85. Spongebob and cheese missing from a sandwich. I'm literally laughing out loud because it makes NO sense. XP


Haha, Morgan, it was before you were a mod! Aww! :P


xD It wouldn't take that much time, livvy. I just started...


...um...last July?




Time's going too fast.


I wanna be a mod when I grows up! [/little kid moment]


... That was so random. Annnyway. *ahem*


Page 90. What's wrong with dog food? I mean, really. I eat catfood. It's good! Cat treats are better though.


Srsly. Where did my half-a-year go?!?!?


*bangs head against wall*


*throws pillow at Morgan* Don't do that. It hurts. :(


Page 92. Anime had a cat named Fuzz Butt. Charming.

Page 95. Talking about the weather. Again.


*pulls self away from old pages* Oi vey! That was... painfully entertaining!


Weather is small talk. Just like when you approach someone whom you can't really relate to, so you just say "Hey, how's the weather?"




Eheheh, that was a perfect description of how food fits into this topic! :P (Well, to a tired and fever-ridden mind, anyway.)


Why would we have to resort to weather? We all know and love each other! :D Eh, right? I could use a little backup here?


EDIT: Oh wow. I just noticed what time it is. No wonder. I'm going to have to go for tonight. Night y'all!




In case you were wondering what my occasion is for staying up, I have a huge 200 point pass-or-fail project due tomorrow and I have to finishe up that last parts and organize how I;'m bringing everyhting in.


Guys! I'm trying to glue my frog back together, AND IT'S NOT WORKING! :O


Oh no? Lol I have no idea what's going on and I'm too lazy to read previous pages :P But hey, hope your frog turns out okay! ::gives you more glue:: ^-^


ugg. feel like crap, just finally able to get on tonight. reading through lot's of pages.


I'm 17, 5'6" or so, and weight about 110 pounds. I can barely lift the bar during weight lifting, which is only like, 35? I'm so pathetic! XD But ehhh I don't mind. I like being tiny ^-^
hahahahahahahahahahahahahaha, I'd have trouble lifting not much more than that, & I'm a bit over 6 feet tall (I fail)
And it's my birthday!!!! ^_^
happy late birthday.
HI REVENGE!! We now have all the makings of a truly random post-a-thon!
what about me <_<




having my worst week in a long time.

feel like crap constantly, trouble moving around, bad muscle pain.

to crappy to even do an homework, (barely able to do 2 quizzes & a test in biology)


And I have no social life.


What a wonderful time I've been having. :crying:

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