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Um... well, I don't have the text with me (because no one in their right mind carries Romeo and Juliet around with them), but there was a bit about cutting off the maids heads, to which the other person replied "The heads of the maids or their maidenheads?" I won't explain what the pun is because, as I said, it's crude, but that's an example of Shakespearean puns.


(DO NOT LOOK IT UP. Very crude. I only know it because my 58 year old English teacher thought we should know it. x_x )


NOTE: To basically anyone who comes on this thread today: My fever is actually kicking in today, so some of my comments may be pointless/inane, and I'm really sorry. Fevers do that to me. =\


o_O It's not that crude...


I personally never liked Shakespeare. I never saw the apparent greatness in him.


*would point at title but it's been changed and is no longer relevant* It was crude to an innocent 9th grader. *shrug* Or maybe it's just the way my English teacher explained it.


I don't particularly like him either, especially after being force-fed Hamlet by a teacher who couldn't argue or understand rhetoric to save is life. >=| (Sorry, Mr. Grice gets on my nerves BADLY.) I suppose some of Shakespeare's work is good, but I don't really get the "amazingness" of it.


Heh heh, I'm a ninth grader :P


Well we only have to do Romeo and Juliet this year. Hamlet is optional and it's up to the teacher, and our teacher hates Shakespeare, so I think we're good.


I was a naive and innocent ninth grader. Things were more shocking to me. :yes:


LUCKY! Hamlet really isn't all that bad - it's fairly clever actually - but with a teacher who doesn't have any idea what clever means, it gets really stupid. Gr, stupid teacher. LUCKY!


(Oh, and I'm really sorry my conversation is practically non-existent today. As I said earlier, I'm COMPLETELY out of it. =\ )


Haha, my English teacher is amazing, other than the fact that he kinda has no idea what he's doing.


I mean he's different. He doesn't believe in set deadlines, vocab, or reading boring things like Shakespeare :P


Lol he's like "I don't believe that all students should have to turn in a date at a specific time because all students need varying times to do their work. Some work faster than others, which is why if you turn in your paper less than a week late, I won't take off any points." And he also says "I don't think we should teach students vocab, because there's no magic in knowing lots of words. I think students should learn how to use the words that they do know better because we use those every day."


Heh heh, don't worry Livvy, it's not that bad :P


Good philosophy! Grice's philosophy is, "This won't help you at all in life, but I have to make it look like I'm teaching, so here are some vocabulary words and tests, and we'll basically be reading all the time so it looks like you have a lot of homework. And in case that isn't enough, here's a couple packets of questions to do on the book we're reading now. I don't accept late work, because this is so easy it shouldn't be late, and you really shouldn't have to think about it at all. And because you shouldn't have to think about it, I'm not really going to grade it, I'll just look at it to see if it's there."


MN just arrived...


EXACTLY! He's such a slacker, but then he expects us to actually have everything turned in on time and completed?? Gr. He also assigns Warm-Ups, and sometimes they're free writes, meaning we can write about anything. At least # times I have written about how he slacks off and should back off with the homework because we already have so much and how we needs to practice what he preaches and how it doesn't really matter that I'm being disrespectful because I know for a fact he doesn't really read our journal entries when we turn them in so he won't know I said any of this. If he's read even ONE of those entries he hasn't let on.


Lol that's funny xD


OH! Him.

Well let's just hope we can get at least a couple free posts off him.


Haha, yea. He also has this 100 word requirement, and he will SOMETIMES go through and count the words, still not actually reading it. One of my friends' entries ended like this:


"And I don't know if this is 100 words or not but please don't count off because I'm really freaking stressed right now and if this isn't a hundred words, Mr. Grice, then you can just go... eat a BISCUIT!"


We laughed quite loudly at that (and got kicked out of the library for laughing... XP )



Well, we already seem to be doing a pretty good job getting some posts on the DC thread. ;)


Lol I kinda wish I had an English teacher like that.

My journal entry:

Well, I'm writing to get one hundred words. That's eight right there. Y'know, I should stop using conjunctions so I can have more words. How many do I have now? Hold on, I am going to count. One, two, three, four.... :P


Heh heh, yeah, but there's nothing I could say that wouldn't be extremely rude.


Oh, I've been extremely rude to Mr. Grice. OH WAIT! You meant... Oh... Okay. ;) Gotcha. But anyway. I've been extremely rude to Mr. Grice's face before, and he just won't admit to himself that I'm being rude and that I'm right. It's almost annoying, but then I realize it's kind of funny.


Lol. I've had some pretty bad teachers too. I mean I had one who believed that his class should be taught the way he learns, not the way everyone else learns. And he'd give us information for a test right before the test. He'd be like "Oh you guys have a test on ocean trenches tomorrow. I know we haven't gone over it yet though, so I'll give you the info tomorrow and then you can take the test right afterwards." It kinda sucked cause we couldn't let it sink in.


Ech. That stinks. That's like telling someone how to do a surgery and then saying "Okay, now go in there and do your best!"




WOO! Post Will post! Only 100 left! (And you know I could cover that in a day, so you've got some pressure! :evil: Woo!

Am I being too pushy? Because you can tell me to shut up if I am.


There appears to be yet another Deepti running up and down the A&E boards...


*begins humming Beethoven's 40th Symphony*


Just read up to page 30... gives new meaning to the term foodfight o_O Also gives some strong meaning to the term "annoying". *now understands why at least one person has a strike through their name*


It is the Coalition of 1337 Procrastinators. :P Founded by Will and... well, mainly Will, but partially me! (Though I still am baffled as to how 1337 is a word...)

Just read up to page 30... gives new meaning to the term foodfight Also gives some strong meaning to the term "annoying". *now understands why at least one person has a strike through their name*


Ohhhh, yes.


I'm baaaack from drama! Finally! 3D That smiley looks weird. 8D


Which part were you ohhhhh, yess-ing at? The new meaning to foodfight, or the one about the strike?

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