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Hang Out and Post

Giovanni Gale

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Why thank you! I know I'm adorable 0:) ... :P


Silver does that all the time. I'll be eating or something and I'll look up and she's just staring at me like she's trying to levitate the food towards her or something. It's so weird! 0_0 She does that when I'm dressing too. Weeeird cat.

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Meh, I'm still stuck at home. =\ The fever's gone down at least, so I might be able to go back to school tomorrow! Which means I'll have a 1 day school week :P Honestly I'd rather just start afresh next week, but I'll probably be made to go tomorrow if I don't have a fever. 99.3 last I checked though. =\ Grr, I hate my non-existent immune system.

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Thank you. :) It's weird though; Monday and Tuesday I didn't have a fever, but I felt awful. The past few days I've FELT fine, but the thermometer says otherwise. :S I make no sense.


Annnyway, onto a less depressing subject! Hm... FMs! They're amazing! *glares at Will*

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Hm... I suppose. :yes:


.... My mind just went blank. o_O I was going to say something interesting too.... Darn fever. Oh well. Don't really have to say anything to say something! :P

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No I think it was before you were asleep. Katy and I were making examples. I dunno, I'll go back and check.


Lol the one by flosset:

Usul: Why are we here again?

Blumaroo: Because we use the flowers to make perfume.

Flosset: Well, that makes SCENTS....

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*headdesk* Katy would appreciate that...


My mind has been over-punned recently. And they're not even good puns! Give me Shakespearean puns, those I enjoy.


That sounded kinda mean of me... I LOVE YOU ALICE AND KATY!!

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