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Hang Out and Post

Giovanni Gale

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Wonder where our FM-to-be has gone...

I had to go to our musical rehearsal. I'm part of the sound crew.


Yeah, I always say TDNF, not TDNForums.


Lol, the the daily neopets xD

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See, those are real puns. The ones you have to look at for a while. Even though that one was an accident.


The ones on the DC thread? No. You could get those right off the bat. BUT WE LOVE YOU ALICE AND KATY!! (Even when you kill us... <_<)

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Lol I could hardly see the ones on the DC. Nice pun though :P


Sound crew was fun. I'm actually really impressed on how well they did. This was the first time I saw them, and they're a lot better than our middle school cast from last year.


Livvy, what's your special breed?


Grr, my parents want me to go to sleep. Sometimes I swear they're just more annoying than anything, but I'm guessing there's no much I can do, so I guess I'll cya guys tomorrow.

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Yes, it deals with DC. :yes: My first Silver breed gave me two Guardians and a Silver. Will now has that Silver because it was a male, and he named it Ares Granger (the Granger bit at my equest.) My second Silver breeding gave me two Guardians and a Silver again.


Art thou unconfused? :D


HI WILL!!! What are you doing online at this time?

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Yup, and then I named my female silver Sera Regnarg :yes:


And in case you're wondering why I'm on, I had an early dismissal today.

And it's my birthday!!!! ^_^


Edit: Lol you were wondering why I'm on :P. HI LIVVY! *waves*

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