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Hang Out and Post

Giovanni Gale

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In America it's one of those stereotypical things that parents always force their children to do until the kids are old enough to complain and say they don't want to do it. Mum never forced me, and now I sometimes wish she had. =\

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Oh I see... Ya I sort of agree with you that its always contradicting like I wish my mum will force me to learn something but she actually doesn't thses sort of things...


In Singapore, its similar to the culture in US but then it really depends on if your family can afford it, if they can't of course they wouldn't force us to learn something lol

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I have a LOT of friends who take piano lessons, and they're always asking "Do you want me to teach you? I could help you learn to play." so I suppose I could afford it if I had the time... If I could send you piano lessons somehow, I would. :)

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Aww thanks...


BTW I found this really cool thingy that allows you to play piano on excel, give it a try!!


piano on excel


Those songs below are chinese songs so you may not know but if you know of some of them it will be fun...

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Oh it is? I just gotten this link from somewhere so I guess it didn't work sorry :(

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Maybe you can try this link to download




Its from a blog....


Edit: Yay it worked, I just try it :)

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THAT'S AWESOME!! I don't know the songs, but it's so cool! :D


Well based on how long it's taking you to post, Revenge, I'm guessing you're still on the Wii? How do you type on that anyway?

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Ya its so cool thats why I suddenly think of posting it here..


ok I gotta go to bed now, its like 3.31am here :bigeyed: bye everyone!!

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I cracked my toe today. The nail almost split in half in PE, and I went to the nurse and everything. It was really fun. I mean it hurts, but I love it 'cause I can say something interesting happened today. ^_^

I lost my sock because of it though...


I am slow, but I also take the time to read every post I've missed before posting. No offense, but I hate it when people assume things that are wrong.

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Um, I kicked a basketball really hard. I could tell because it hit the top of the wall across from me, and a basketball isn't the kind you should kick. It's a very thick rubber, I learned that the hard way. Anyway, it hurt like alot but I thought I was just being weak so I shrugged it off.

And then we played kickball, you can imagine what happened next and I found my sock was red...


Again, I'm just glad I have something interesting to say.

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Ouch. Sounds really really painful. =\ I cracked my toe once... I was in gymnastics, and someone opened the door to the changing room a lot faster and harder than they should have, with me, a seven year old, right on the other side. Needless to say, I cried, and wasn't in gymnastics for a few weeks.

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I kind of like it. I'm not a masochist or anything, but sometimes I wish I broke a leg or an arm just so I could enjoy the experience of recovering. Yes, I said enjoy. Of course I'm not going to break a bone on purpose, I'm not that stupid.

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Haha. In the mind of your cat: Hm..let's see, awesome super delicious rice krispy treat, or the wrapper...awesome super delicious rice krispy treat...wrapper. Well, I'm gonna go with the wrapper, since it's obviously the more delicious and nutritious choice.

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