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Hang Out and Post

Giovanni Gale

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Yeah I know. She annoys me though. A lot of what she says either is wrong, repeats the post above her, or says absolutely nothing *crosses fingers that she won't decide to read this*


I'm sorry Livvy, I've never seen a mindless ranting penguin. I'll be sure to look for one the next time I visit Antarctica :P

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She annoys me too, Will. A lot of what she says is so pointless.


Deepti is Deepti M. I don't know how much more obvious that one can be, Laura. :P


And on the subject of people who annoy us... You'll probably recognize these two instantly: Those who don't use punctuation anywhere in their sentences, and those who don't spell thinks correctly. It just BOTHERS me. But I'm a compulsive editor, so that's probably just me.

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*comes running back in with face covered* EEEEEEEEEEE!! MY EYES! THEY BURRRRRRRRRRNNN!!!

Lol Laura xD


I wish sometimes you could just slap a person in the face and let them know they're a noob instead of being "polite".

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Oh my goodness! It really must not be !))% there if I wrote the percent wrong! Oh dear. :guiltysmiley:


*uses medical powahs on Laura's eyes* Yes, I know. It's awful, isn't it? Like reading posts with no punctuation or horrendous spelling errors.

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You weren't there Will, you just couldn't understand. *shakes head sadly*


*has eyes fixed* Ahhh, thank you dear.



HEY! The quotes board needs to be revived soon if we want to keep it going.

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And she left already.


Hm, I haven't started on my term paper yet...



I have old moldy cheese that I found underneath the couch. I'm pretty sure you could close your eyes and pretend it's blue cheese though :P

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