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Hang Out and Post

Giovanni Gale

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Waaaaaaaaaahhhh... I did too many sit-ups, and now I can't sit up. XD


Anyway, I'm very dissapointed that you just let me MISS your entrance to FM-dom, livvy.


How inconsiderate to the &&&th power! :O

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Hi Will! Did they tell you, did they tell you?? *looks* They did! *claps happily*


It was... interesting. I got very irritated at the *coughnoobcough* so Morgan and I annihilated him. :D

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Thank you, Myles!


No, I'm pretty sure he doesn't. We had a nice long bout of insanity about capitalizing numbers before he joined us. (IT DOESN'T WORK, I TELL YOU!) :O


And Katy was here to keep me partially sane through it all. ;)

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