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Hang Out and Post

Giovanni Gale

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EDIT: Grr, flood control! Is it true that flood control goes *poof* when you become an FM?


I don't think so. It used to be true, but I think I heard several FM complaining about flood control, so I think the block was put back.

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You can change your display name twice a month instead of once. That's one. ;o


My kitties are fighting. Be right back.

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Custom Member Title - You can have your own custom member title (text right under your avatar).

Flood Control - You can avoid all flood controls

Name Changes - You can change your display name TWICE (instead of once) every 30 days

Increased Message Storage - You can also store up to 225 500 messages now!

Group Icon - You can get a cool "Fantastic Member" icon on all of your posts

Gold Star - A gold star will be placed by your name

Mass Private Messaging - You can now mass PM 50 people, instead of 20

Fantastic Members Only - In this forum, we'll post sneak peaks of new features coming soon... progress, etc.


According to the SM/FM info board.

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*saves cookies*


Now I need an awesome amazingly spiffy and quotable FM post! *thinks*




Oh well, it's my first FM post anyway! WOOT!!


*happy dance* :D



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