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Wut? No, I made the thwacker. Even Ian could not destroy it. :O




*gives livvy a kitty treat*


Older, darnit. Until he freaking had to hit puberty and get big I could beat him up.

*prevents Livvy from headdesking*


who is thwacker? someone tell me please.


The thwacker is something Ruto hits people with.


Ugh, that sucks, Myles. I hope you cope all right. ;)


A thwacker is a weapon, not a person. :P

Wut? No, I made the thwacker. Even Ian could not destroy it. :O




*gives livvy a kitty treat*


*purrs* *meow mew*


Who is thwacker?


Thwack him, Morgan! Thwacker isn't a person.


KITTEH. It looks a lot like one of mine. xD


Katy, your brother really should be more mature and not hit younger siblings. That's just...infuriating. He should know better.


A. Thwacker. Is. A. Weapon. *thwacks orphen*


Posts don't count if you post in the Games forum. It should be increasing if you post here.


I know. :/ Sucks that it's not something I can have any power over.


Oooh, that cat has big eyes. -stares-


*hugs Katy* Thank you. *keeps cool*

*hugs back* Just don't make me pull out the headdesking pillow. ;)






I... er... no. *ahem* I'm okay. I promise, Katy. :)


Thwacker is any kind of weapon Morgan wants it to be. :yes:


:) hahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahaha.



not a good day when I hurt to much to get up to get painkillers that are in the next room.




I imagine it as a spiked club. ^_^ But my thwacker is more phosisticated. Tis an icy sword with a cool little gem in the hilt. xD


0_0 *hides under snack table from Myles' insane laughter*


Goodness, I've been under this snack table a lot today.


Yes, it's a very phosisticated weapon. Very.


I always pictured it has a big spiky club.


It doesn't mean much, but I'm sorry Myles. :( Thats gotta suck a lot.


EDIT: Didn't realise Morgan just posted the same thing before me. o-o


*leans against snack table* So, I wonder where livvy's hiding? *falls over & breaks table*


Yeah, the thwacker has to be a weapon.


It's better to just go along with the insanity than to question it. srsly


Not if I hit them on the flat side. xP




Yes, the thwacker is a weapon. It is indestructible except by Morgan who loves to abuse her power with it and therefore won't destruct it.


*ducks under snack table rubble to avoid thwacking*

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