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Hang Out and Post

Giovanni Gale

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*is amazed at your own mind-reading powers*


Speaking of powers, I think I have the supernatural ability to make a perfectly round cookie. :O

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*holds up perfectly round cookie*


Phear that awesome ability!


*eats cookie*


Wait, cookie slave? No. Not cookie slave. T_T

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I would feel so much more comfortable now if I was on a computer. Laying down like this in front of a TV's gonna make a whole bunch of parts of me fall asleep, and I need to move around more...

*for more rambling, press OKAY*

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Modship cannot save you! :O


Well, yeah it prolly can. As you can edit my posts. :hmmph02: But that would be arguing with yourself.


I mean, I would never thwack Morgan. She's too cool for that. *bows*

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I can't get a laptop for the life of me. I have enough money, but I can't take it out of the bank 'cause my father says it's for "college." So I have no money. And nobody's getting me one ever.

The Wii isn't bad, it's just... inefficient when it comes to most everything you do on a computer since 2001. But that's just when it comes to internet browsing... *continues to ramble*


Livvy has 1900 posts... it's been what, four days since you hit the 1500 mark? Don't you have a hobby or something? ^_^

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Well, you could ask for a laptop for your birthday, or Christmas. ;o There's a thought.


Livvy has amassed that post number in a little over two months. That's a new record. She's insane. xD


EDIT: Wait, what? I don't think I can do that, Katy. That thing's automatic when you reach a certain post count.

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I'm really out of place now. It's gonna take a while to get this weird again.


I have asked for one on my birthday. They said Christmas. I asked for one for Christmas. They said yes. After Christmas they changed their mind and said no.

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