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Hang Out and Post

Giovanni Gale

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Which one, the decorative negg? on my side or lovely_koko96 and why.



That seems like a lot of questions..


EDIT: I put it up and I got 20k and a red candle. that is good.

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Yes, the decorative negg, um... whichever is fine, and you'll see.


Lots of answers. :)

Why did you bid? that is too kind of you :rolleyes_anim: ...I just cannot accept it. :sad01_anim:

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Yes you can. Someone was really generous to me recently; it's my turn to pass that on. Please? It would really make my day. :)


Thank you ^_^



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*takes a deep breath*


So you know all about the fact that I'm kind of in love with my best friend who is a girl right?


Well if you don't, you do now.



And my feelings for her never really died, even though I now have a boyfriend. Don't get me wrong, I really do like him... but I just dont.... love him. But it's only been a month, so I guess I can't really know yet.


But anyway, I was at her house with a bunch of our friends last night. And she was getting something from her room, so I walked into it and sat down next to her... well rather kind of on top of her legs. XD


And we just started talking for a little bit about whatever it was she was looking for.


Now, before I say the next part, I need to let you know this...


Me and my friends... we act like lesbians with each other all the time, because that's just how we are. And me and my best friend act like uber lesbians because we are best friends.


Since she couldn't find what she wanted, she lay down on her back on the floor.... and I crawled up on top of her, as though one would if they were pinning someone down.


And she just smiled (because she thought I was joking). So when I (pretended) to go in for a kiss, she put up with it. Mind you, I didn't, I just got realllly close to her face. And then we both cracked up. I pulled back to sit up, and she supported herself on her elbows. Then she looked at me and said, "Ha, I thought you were actually going to kiss me for a second."


I wasn't sure what to say. I wasn't just going to say, "Ha ha, yeah I was."


So I was just like, "Oh, did you WANT me to?" And I pinned her down once more.


But we both just laughed again and went off to join our friends again...



But if I had had the guts....


...I would've kissed her.





And now I feel really bad, because I really do like my boyfriend, but I LOVE my best friend. And I know he likes me, and she likes me... as a friend.



Annnnddd... I can never have them in the same room, becuase I would devote all my attention to her. But I can't just end it with him, because what would I tell him? "Oh, I'm sorry, I love Jessie, not you."


and she is the one I talk about all my issues with, and she IS my issue. :(



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Ohh... Wow. Well, as far as loving your best friend, my advice is to keep loving her AS A FRIEND. Because as soon as relationships come up, things will change, and if she's that close to you, you don't want to lose her. I've seen it happen far too many times. :(


And in terms of your boyfriend... Just be with him for a while. You don't have to love him; you're not SUPPOSED to when you're this age. I know that sounds all trite and cliche, "You're too young to know what love is", but that's not what I'm saying. I'm just saying you don't have to absolutely adore him, but you have to at least be a little more than friends. And if your relationship falls into that category, keep dating him. At any rate, it'll keep you from dating your best friend and maybe losing a relationship you value.


And... *e-hug* Sorry I couldn't be of more help.

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It's okay. I just hate the fact that she'll probably never know how I feel, and I'll never be able to do anything about it.


And that's what I was planning. If it doesn't work for another month or two, then I'm just going to have to end it.


But you said... "At any rate, it'll keep you from dating your best friend and maybe losing a relationship you value"


That's not something I have to worry about, because I couldn't ever date her. I just couldn't. I could (and do) love her, but I couldn't date her.


But thanks, I just needed someone to tell that to, and none of my friends would ever understand that.

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:) If I can't help any other way, I'm always here to listen. I'm very good at that.


Hope this all clears up for you soon. And if it doesn't... well, you've always got someone to talk to. *nods gently*



EDIT: *facepalm* I just tried to capitalize a number. EPIC BRAIN LAPSE XP

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0_0 You just listed @ of my favorite numbers! I love & and !%. And in math, I like #^, because it's very convenient. :graduated: I say they deserve #$*(*&%(@#( crumb and paper salads to go with their ^&(#%%#%^ cookies. :yes:


What is YOUR reasoning for adoring these # numbers?

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