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Giovanni Gale

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What?? Is that all this is for you? Increasing your post count? And here I was thinking you were here cause you loved us :crying_blow::P


Hm, Laura hasn't been around lately either has she?


Ahh! 3/5 of the insanity is missing!

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No, I haven't. Rated R movies aren't my thing. I prefer PG. Which is sad coming from a 16 year old, but... *pokes custom title*


Probably why I have so many freshman friends...


What's it about?

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It's about the biggest rescue operations of Jews by Jews. I thought it was such an interesting story, and I really wish it wasn't rated R.


It's a movie based on a true story of the Bielski Partisans, which was led by a Jew named Tuvia Bielski. They were a major resistance force against the Nazis and rescued thousands of Jews, but for some reason, not many people know about them.

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So it's part of or related to the Holocaust? I'm scheduled to learn about that in a couple years, but it's one of the major reasons of WWII, right?


Also, did you two get 400 posts in a week, or did I just remember your post counts wrong?

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Livvy, I'd assume he'd like it, considering he's the AP Euro Hist teacher :P


Well the Nazis were persecuting the Jews, but I think what got most of the countries involved was that Germany was attempting to invade them.


Haha maybe we did get 400 posts. I dunno the exact number, but definitely in the hundreds lol.

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Yea, it was part of it. (Though I couldn't tell you the whole reason for WWII, because history doesn't like me.)


Why did the Americans join? I can't remember... But I'm pretty sure Germany wasn't invading us.


*thinks back* I wouldn't be surprised if we had. We have skillz. b)

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History doesn't like me much either.


I'm going to scream in frustration and anger since I would really have appreciated a significant boost in post count.

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Livvy, I'd assume he'd like it, considering he's the AP Euro Hist teacher :P

Yes; he's also a German.


*gasp* Don't do that! Post in anger and frustration! :P


If we keep this rate up, someone will be getting the pretty FM A*clamps hand over mouth* *to self* Drop the competitiveness, Livvy!


*feels a pang of guilt* If anyone ever wants to tell me to just shut up, please do so. =\ I do so hate my competitive side.

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Why did the Americans join? I can't remember... But I'm pretty sure Germany wasn't invading us.

I'm pretty sure around fall of 1940 we started supplying Britain with weapons and such, ending our neutrality.

Then the Japanese bomb us at Pearl Harbor on December 7, 1941, and on the following day, Congress approves FDR's request to go to war, and Germany and Italy both declare war on the US, since they are allied with Japan.


And don't worry Livvy, nothing wrong with you posting.

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I'm pretty sure around fall of 1940 we started supplying Britain with weapons and such, ending our neutrality.

Then the Japanese bomb us at Pearl Harbor on December 7, 1941, and on the following day, Congress approves FDR's request to go to war, and Germany and Italy both declare war on the US, since they are allied with Japan.


OH yea! I probably should have remembered that. I'm so historically challenged. :S


Which reminds me, I have an outline to work on this weekend. I'm going to go do that.

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I wish I could do that... But all my friends are stuck at home with homework as well. Which is probably why I'm so addicted to this forum. I can talk to y'all even when I'm stuck here.

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hey, it's better than nothing.


Do you know what company provides your electricity?


We have Com Ed around where I live. They totally suck. Not updating 30+ year old infrastructure, even as more houses are using more & more power. At least we havent had major repeated outages for no reason for a while now.

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