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Hang Out and Post

Giovanni Gale

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Hey everyone! I guess I missed the party huh.


So..erm..Inkheart? It's a great book; the whole series is great, but I've never seen the movie before. I should go see it some time.


Edit: Oh hey Coco! Didn't see you there.

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Don't worry Will, you didn't miss a whole lot. Just me getting frustrated and such, and Katy tying my head to a chair so I couldn't headdesk and the like. Nothing big. (Really. Nothing big.)


I'm crying right now. I don't know why; I've been crying for nearly an hour now. I just can't stop... It's weird.

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Awwwwwww, its been around 4 hours since someone posted here :'(


But, yeah. I changed my set to TDN's abigail set, just to stay in the Daily dare spirit.

And as a forgetful person, I lost my avatar.....but my siggy's kept on my profile ;D


And yay! I'm the best mathematician in the WHOLE SCHOOL (I think :eh:)


Awww, Livvy anything that we could do? Crying for an hour doesn't sound very pleasant :(

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No, but thanks Stephanie. I cried myself to sleep, and I'm better now. There was no real reason, I just couldn't stop. But thanks. =] It's nice to know I've got people who are concerned about me. ^_^


Ooh, congrats on being a master mathematician! *applauds*


Hey, can y'all wish me luck today? I have to present my science project today, and I'm kind of nervous since my past few practices haven't been great. I actually do better in front of an audience that HASN'T heard it 50 times, but I'm still nervous about it. *crosses fingers hopefully* Thanks y'all. =]

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Good luck Livvy! You'll do well, don't worry :thumbsup:


Congrats on being the best mathematician in your whole school!

I'm only the best in my particular class, and I don't even try :P

Like I haven't studied for math yet or done any of the homework.


Livvy, you sure you're okay? I mean there's gotta be a reason to be crying that long...

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Yea, I'm sure. :) Thanks. My best guess as to the reason is that I'm 16 and female. That's an explanation for a lot of tears.


Oh good, the post fest hasn't started without me! Yay!

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Haha, yes, we will have a post feast! *noms on posts* :P


I don't know; I haven't seen either of them in a while. I'm sure they'll return with some triumphant fanfare or something! (I hope... =\ )


You can post fest with only two people too, ya know. It's not as entertaining, but it's still posts!

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Yup, I did. The presentation was at the school, so everyone there was from the school. Some of the freshman in the program were there. They don't have projects yet; we use them as slave labor :P But I know a lot of them, so when it came my turn to present, a whole bunch of them flocked into my room. XD It was funny. And I think I did pretty well. I talked to the judges afterward, and I know my score shot up from that.

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Me too. I was REALLY nervous, and it didn't help that I was last and had to watch a ton of people go before me. =\


It's a requirement for the Discovery program, which is an honors science and math program at my school which basically eats your life. Of course, I don't have a life thanks to Seiler, so with Discovery included... I have negative life. Oh mai :O

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A lot of the last few pages are just me and a noob talking about weird stuff. (Got on my nerves SO badly. Hence the quintuple headdesk. Of course, this was also the night I cried myself to sleep, so I suppose we can't call my nerves exactly stable at the time.)

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No, I guess it wasn't...*cough*ohgoodnessyes*cough* Goodness! I seem to have caught Mason's cough from this morning!


I wish we had a third person to speed up the posting. If we had another post fest, (or feast :P ) we could be FMs by Monday! :O


Aww, it has grown silent. =[

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Sorry, I was defragmenting my computer. Not that I know what it does, but I was exploring my computer and I was like "ooh, defragment my computer? Okay :P".


Took almost an hour though...

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